Anbennar Wiki

Adean is the Regent Court god of chivalry, duty and righteousness. He is the first child and son of Castellos and Esmaryal and famed patron of knights and warriors. When his uncle the god of war Agrados fell during the Godswar, Adean came to share the portfolio of war with his cousin and Agrados' daughter Falah, with Adean taking the sub-portfolio of tournaments and honourable warfare.

Adean killed Malliath the first dragon by charging with spear and steed into one of the dragon's two heads, piercing straight through and beheading the dragon. Adean would have died trying to pierce through Malliath's second head if it were not for the sacrifice of his father Castellos, who pushed him out of the way and lost an arm and leg because of it. Regardless of this, the loss of one of Malliath's heads confused the beast so much that it fell from the sky and died, becoming the Serpentspine Mountains.

Notable Locations

  • Adeanscour: the oldest temple in Lencenor
  • Highcour: the main temple in Lorent, located in Lorentainé
  • Vinterscour: main temple in the Bay of Wines
Regent Court Deities
CastellosThe DameEsmaryalFalahNeratAdeanRyalaBalgar the BuilderAraMunas MoonsingerNathalyneBegga GoodfingersMinaraCorin