Anbennar Wiki

The Alenic Reach is a region that straddles the northern parts of Western Cannor and the southern portion of Gerudia. It hosts a variety of small and wealthy city-states. Culturally, its people are a hybrid from the northern Gerudians and the southerly Alenics and Escanni.


Historically the Alenic Reach was dominated by the Kingdom of Adshaw (who controlled the Western Reach) and Kingdom of Vrorenmarch. The Kingdom of Adshaw's hegemony over the Western Reach was broken during the Blue Reachmen Wars of Independence which saw a variety of powers rising in the region, most notable were Bayvic and Celmaldor.

The Kingdom of Vrorenmarch held the Eastern Reach for a much longer however they too fell, being conquered by the Great Clan of Frozenmaw in 1420.

In 1836 the Alenic Reach had come to be dominated by the Northern League (after having been conquered by the Kingdom of Gawed) and the Kingdom of Grombar.
