Amanapurna I, also known as "The Tyrant" was a Raja of the second Harimraj, and son of Golpalar I. Known for his tyrannical rule that sparked a bloody civil war, the The Brother's War, against his brother Dalapalar I.
Early Reign[]
Amanapurna I's early reign was considered benign and he was considered to be a generous ruler. That would soon change, as Amanapurna started becoming more and more ruthless and remorseless. He was known to be particularly vicious towards courtiers and nobles who had sparked his ire, and often executed them on the spot. He also started demanding incredibly high taxes from his subjects, as well as starting a costly war with the Bhuvauri Republic.
The Brother's War[]
Many amongst the nobility and government considered Amanapurna a dangerous tyrant, and supported his brother Dalapalar I when he declared an open revolt.
The ensuing civil war was a short, but bloody affair that ended with the defeat of Dalapalar I, and his subsequent torture and execution by Amanapurna I himself. When hosting a grand victory feast, to celebrate the end of the revolt, Amanapurna I was poisoned, and died very shortly after. His throne was inherited by his 16 year old son, Amanapurna II.