A former Prabhi of the Raj and founding member of Vanrahar, Amtujsaat was a notable seat of political power and influence within the Raj's power structure. Being both the seat of Ministerial Exams and having ease of access to The Ministerial Circle, Amtujsaat often found itself the birthplace of influential political figures in addition to its longstanding place of prestige within the Raj. One such claim to fame is its former Prabhi Goshar Goldenpaw, who prevented the dissolution of the newly reformed Harimraj in 1333 by taking charge as the first unofficial Grand Vizier of the realm and acting regent of the realm during Shurapalar's youth. In addition to its political position, Amtujsaat's well-irrigated flatlands and large cotton plantations have made it one of the largest cotton producers in Rahen.
Though Amtujsaat always wielded considerable political power within the Raj due to their skilled administrators and close relationship to ministers, their reputation and influence significantly increased thanks to Goshar Goldenpaw. For over 70 years since Goshar's end in 1358 the Phrabi enjoyed the position of Grand Vizier in the Raj, codifying it in Golpalar I's Settlement and Edict of 1396, becoming second only to the Raja themself.
This would come to an end in 1438 with the elevation of Manava of the Bloody Claw, the Senapti of Rabhidaraj, to Grand Vizier of the Raj. The lords of Amtujsaat, viewing this as an insult to their family, did not take this lightly. This passive hostility grew until Manava died in 1478 and his daughter Indira succeeded him in an unprecedented elevation of a woman to Grand Vizier. Igniting the tensions, this elevation sparked The Wars of the Vizierate, raging intermittently from 1481 to 1505. Though Amtujsaat would come out victorious, through the fighting they would lose their independence. After failing to halt the Jaddite army at Rhamirta and seeking protection, Amtujsaat would offer their fealty to the Senapti of Tujgal along with fellow Prabhis of Umdaj and Parus Panasur, declaring the formation of the new Kingdom of Vanrahar.