Anbennar Wiki

The Arbarani are the peoples who live in the northern borders of Anbennar. They have no region of their own to call home but instead occucpy the border lands of the Alenic Frontier and the Forlorn Vale.


The Arbarani are the descendants of the war veterans of the War of the Sorcerer-King, leading to a very diverse people sharing the blood of members of the Free Realms, the newly arrived elves who joined them as well as Castanorian refugees and turncoats from the later portions of the war.


Due to their elven and Castanorian heritage the Arbarani are taller than their cousins elsewhere, and have a generally higher aptitude for magic like the Damerian cousins. Hair colour ranges is varied, though browns are the most common. Eye colours are also varied, though green seems to be the most common.


The people have known war throughout their history, and more recently has served as the northern border-provinces of Anbennar, fighting against any sort of Gawedi or Castellyrian invasion. Thanks to the Golden Plains to the south of the region, many have also taken to horsemanship, with many Arbarani knights rivaling only those of Lorent in skill.
