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The palace of Aur-Kes-Akasik dates back to an unknown point in time, even before the Giants were granted the lands that we know today as Akasik; these new masters of the land dedicated themselves to recreating the glory of their ancient homeland carving a magnificent palace into the face of the Akasi mountains.

Before the giants[]

Before the giants took control of Akasik the palace existed in a reduced form according to archaeological records, this original palace, or at least the foundations of what would one day become the palace, were constructed by an unknown group of Shaytan. The deeper levels of the palace were constructed by the genies, and even if most of the subterranean spaces have collapsed a long time ago due to the seismic activity caused during the Day of Ashen Skies some of these rooms are still accessible through some of the caves systems in Akasik.

In the age of giants[]

During the age of the giants the actual palace was built from the foundations left behind by the genies, the Stone Giants, masterful craftsmen by their own merit, tried to capture the glory of their ancient homeland in the palace, filling it to the brim with motives and decorations that tell their history, the spaces constructed by the giants remain the core of the palace to this day.

During the Storm Queens reign[]

In the Age of the Storm the palace was seized by the Storm Queens, they proclaimed it to be “the first palace of Akasik” and used as their centre of power, most of the architecture we conserve of the palace comes from this period, as the Storm Queens expanded the boundaries of the palace with their elemental magic, the most important factor that this period contributed to the palace was the installation all the enchantments that to this day cover the palace by the youngest of the Storm Queens.

Her enchantments were what made Aur-Kes-Akasik truly earn the title of wonder of the ancient world, the palace has at its disposal a seemingly infinite source of water and a mechanism that keeps the temperature of the palace at a comfortable 21 degrees, there is also a third enchantment that keeps a pleasant spring breeze eternally circulating through the halls of the palace.

Sadly it is believed that after the DoAS many mechanisms of the palace were lost to the wild currents of magic, the 3 mentioned above are the only ones that have survived to this day, some traces of defence mechanisms in the palace itself have been found, to this day the main theory is that these defense mechanisms took the brunt of the wave of wild magic that permeated the building and allowed for the survival of some of the less intricate mechanisms.

After the Storm Queens[]

After the rule of the Storm Queens the palace has remained relatively unchanged, save the occasional butchered restoration efforts the Akasi have tried to the best of their ability to keep the palace as close to its original form as possible, ever since the DoAS the palace has acquired a deep religious importance to the followers of Mother Akasik being the centre where all the different sects of the Mother Akasik Faith converge every 24 years to discuss matters of theology and faith.
