Anbennar Wiki

Balris the Gold (also known as the Bringer of Songs, Slayer of Ignorance, Wisest of Masters, He Who Will Return, and the Ascendant of Halann) is an ascendant gold dragon residing in Haless. Balris was responsible for causing the Dragonwake in hopes to find his kin. Balris views himself as the protector of Halann and its Prime Material, as well as the steward of dragonkind.



Balris is believed to be the second oldest dragon in all of Halann aside from Elkaesal the White. Balris lived near the end of the Rule of Giants and the War of Broken Chains, when the elves rose up against their draconic masters. Not much is known about Balris' life during this time, but it is understood that like most surviving dragons, he went through an extremely long period of drakeslumber after his escape from Aelantir after the elven rising. In addition to this, he has also wandered most of the known world during his time. Additionally, considering his knowledge on planes and the affairs of spirits, it is surmised that he has spent some time away from the Prime Material (though modern-day discoveries on the natures of the arcane and the planes are new to him).

During this time, it is said that Balris reached the mythical dragon age group known as the ascendant, becoming a being of great size and magical power. When questioned on how he achieved such a feat, Balris could only mention his long journey of self-reflection, meditation and cultivation of oneself.


During his time Balris had not met any other dragon in Halann, and by 470 he decided to cast a great spell to expose his kins in hopes of forcing contact. To his dismay the spell caused the Waking Sickness, which caused his kin to become feral and cause chaos across Halann. Along with his spell he entreated that his kin could all converge upon his demesne, but none came. So after years of waiting in hope, the ascendant gold dragon eventually off to find those he awoke.

Balris would spend the next few hundred years living amongst the denizens of the world to seek out his lost brethren, keen to remake the world under the benevolence of dragon rule (or his version of it, anyways) once again, for he is the last surviving dragon from when dragons openly ruled. On those he met, he was met with disappointment on what had become of his brethren, and for those he could communicate with, was largely rebuffed as they did not see eye to eye with the gold dragon's intentions. Eventually, Balris returned back to his home in Haless to wait out his kin, hoping that perhaps the next time he visited them, they would be more amicable, and if not, the next, and the next.



  • Balris spent most of his time chilling in his mountain before being discovered in year X
  • He knows Zenidir from before, but is horrified on what his old friend has become
  • He fears Elkaesal as she was a big deal in his time, though Elkaesal is younger than her



  • What if Balris dies during Vicky3 era, and his death and the instability it causes (imagine hes been secretly protecting Halann from shenanigans) caused massive planar rifts, etc to form in Halann?
  • His death was orchestrated by dragons probably, to remove his primacy so they can control and war over Halann