Halann has many calendars, but most modern societies use the Reformed Castanorian Calendar, otherwise called the Castanorian Calendar.
OOC: This page is semi-out-of-character and refers to our real life calendar dates for reference.
The days of the week in the Reformed Castanorian calendar is actually a variant taken from the Kheteratan week system, which detailed the five-day journey of the Kheteratan Founding Myth. Newsday and Middlesday were added later by Castan VII the Preserver to make the week seven days long, after himself, the seventh emperor of Castanor. Cedesday and Sorrowday are seen as days of rest, whilst the rest are working days.
Real-life | Castanorian | Origin |
Monday | Newday | A later addition to the calendar by Castan VII the Preserver as the seventh day after him, the seventh emperor. |
Tuesday | Intirsday | Named after when Elikhet 'entered' the fray and fought his siblings to free the human peoples. |
Wednesday | Middlesday | Marking the middle of the week. |
Thursday | Akursday | Named after when Elikhet raised the mountains (Akur) to defend Kheterata. |
Friday | Faladay | Named after the goddess Falah, who also appeared in Kheteratan mythology and helped Elikhet defeat his siblings. |
Saturday | Cedesday | Named after when Elikhet renounced his divinity (ceded) in order to stay on Halann to protect Kheterata. |
Sunday | Sorrowday | Named after the final act of the Kheteratan Founding Myth, in which Elikhet's mother Nirakhet cried over the sacrifice of her son and created the Mother's Sorrow River. |
While the origins and basis of the calendar is Castanorian, various Cannorian cultures have influenced the calendar, primarily through the conquests of influences of the Damerian Republic, into the global one it is today.
Number | Real-life | Castanorian | Origin |
1 | January | Castanmark | The start of the calendar was marked by the month of Castanor's creation. Became the start of the modern calendar after the Day of Ashen Skies: before then, the spring equinox in Bloomsdawn marked the year's beginning. |
2 | February | Esmarment | Named after Esmaryal, the goddess of hearth, fertility and family. |
3 | March | Bloomsdawn | Marking the beginning of Spring. |
4 | April | Silversight | Named after the event when the Castanite peoples saw the Silver Dragon of Castellos during the Castanite Exodus. |
5 | May | Halament | Named after Halanna, the primordial goddess of Earth |
6 | June | Suren | The original start of the Bulwari calendar meaning 'Sun's Start'. Marks the beginning of Summer. |
7 | July | Teysuren | Meaning 'Second Sun' in the Bulwari language. Marks the second month of Summer. |
8 | August | Yshdament | Named after Yshtralana and The Dame. Related to harvest season, which was the original portfolio of The Dame. |
9 | September | Bloomsend | Marks the beginning of Autumn. |
10 | October | Tearfall | A common month in which Damestear meteorites fall on Halann. |
11 | November | Nerament | Named after Nerat, the god of death, judgement and laws. This was the original ending month of the calendar before Truefrost was added. |
12 | December | Truefrost | Added during the Era of Frost in Gerudia to signal the end of the year in a time when the land was always winter, hence 'True frost'. |
Due to its world-wide altering affects, most cultures and civilizations use the Day of Ashen Skies to determine the calendar era. In the New Castanorian Calendar, this is known as BA (Before Ashen Skies) and AA (After Ashen Skies). In general terms, however, the AA is omitted.