The Castanite Exodus (689 BA - 639 BA) is the founding myth detailing the journey of the Castanite peoples and founding of the Empire of Castanor under Castan the Progenitor.
The Exodus is said to have begun shortly after the Great Sack of Kheterat which led to the massive destabilization of Kheterata and the North Salahad region in general, allowing many slaves to flee eastwards towards Bulwar. Upon reaching Bulwar the region too was facing heavy attacks from a combination of civil war between rival city-states in addition to incursions of rival gnollish kingdoms and slavers. As the former slaves continued their journey northwards they were joined a by more and more peoples seeking a new life in the north, and by the time they settled in the modern-day Burning Hills they were an extremely diverse group of human peoples.
In 651 BA a young Castan the Progenitor invoked victory by summoning a silver dragon, the Avatar of Castellos, during the Battle of Burning Hill against the Gnoll Great Xhaz, giving its unholy leader, the Xhazobine, her epithet: the Flamemarked. After the battle, the Castanites fled into the Deepwoods in an attempt to lose the Xhazobin's host but eventually became lost within the cursed wood for 10 years in a period known as The Lost Years during which Castan established himself as the leader of his people. During their time they saw the same silver dragon flying north which Castan saw as a sign of the way to freedom, which later led the peoples to meet a mysterious stranger known as The Wayguide near Southmount.
The Wayguide eventually became Castan's trusted advisor and encouraged Castan to seek out a new home "under the eye of the north twin". Castan led his peoples to settle in modern-day Castonath whilst he and The Wayguide ventured onwards up Southmount's northern twin: Trialmount to meet with the Silver Dragon of Castanor. During the year that Castan was away some of his followers lost hope and abandoned the camp, becoming The Misguided, but after exactly a year Castan returned with proclamations from the revelations he had gleaned from the Trialmount, alone. When asked, Castan would not answer where The Wayguide went.
Proclamations of Castan[]
"Henceforth all those that have followed and endured with me shall be known as MY people: Castanites - and our realm's successors will be of your blood and your blood alone"
"Our divine duty has been revealed: to protect the land from beastly acts, barbarism, and evil"Analysis
As a portion of the First Pantheonic Council in 600 BA the meaning behind Castan's proclamations was determined by the leading scholars of the time:
Is interpreted that all rulers of Castanor must bear the royal name of Castan
Is interpreted that only those descending from Old Castanorian blood can rule, meaning that only those who share the blood of the original Castanites can become Castan.
Is interpreted as the common goal and role of Castan's Empire: to become the lawful and civilizing force in the world.