The following is a list of the countries and factions existant during the Greentide in 1444.
For countries existant in other time periods, see: Countries during the Old Empire, Countries during the Dragonwake, Countries during The Landing, and Countries after the 1444 Divergence.
Empire of Anbennar[]
- Grand Duchy of Dameria (Former Emperor, defunct in 1444)
- Grand Duchy of Wex (Emperor after the Lilac Wars)
- The Magisterium
- Duchy of Pearlsedge
- Duchy of Istralore
- Free City of Damescrown
- Free City of Beepeck
- Elfrealm of Moonhaven
- Dwarven Hall of Silverforge
- Duchy of Aranmas
- Duchy of Asheniande
- Duchy of Cestirande
- Duchy of Estallen
- Duchy of Exwes
- Duchy of Leslinpár
- Duchy of Sugamber
- Duchy of Verne
Border Lords[]
- Marquisate of Arannen
- Marquisate of Arbaran
- The Brinkmarches (March under Marquisate of Arannen}
- Marquisate of Wesdam
- County of Bennon
- County of Bisan
- County of Celliande
- County of Deamóine
- County of Derwing
- County of Gabmórionn
- County of Galéinn
- County of Gisden
- County of Konwell
- County of Neckcliffe
- County of Seinathíl
- County of Telgeir
- County of Terr
- County of Themarenn
- County of Toarnen
- County of Tretun (Personal Union under Duchy of Rubenaire)
- County of Uelaire
- County of Varainé
- County of Woodwell
Free Cities[]
- Anbenncóst
- Bellacaire
- Bluehart
- Crothán
- Esmarainé
- Giberd
- Indlebury
- Magdalaire
- Menibór
- Napesbay
- Silvelar
- Tellum
- Vertesk
Orders and Temples[]
Independent Realms[]
Western Cannor[]
Kingdom of Lorent[]
Wine Lords[]
- Duchy of Eilísin
- Duchy of Madelaire (Personal Union under Marquisate of Wesdam)
- Duchy of Rubenaire
- Duchy of Laseán (Personal Union under Duchy of Rubenaire)
Independent Realms[]
- Duchy of Deranne
- Duchy of Great Ording
- County of Saloren
- League of Winebay
- Minaran Temple
- Rubyhold
- Small Country (Former member of Gnomish Hierarchy, defunct in 1444)
- Elfrealm of Venáil
Kingdom of Gawed[]
Dragon Coast[]
- Bluescale Clan
- Greenscale Clan
- Nimscodd Hierarchy
- Portnamm Hierarchy
- Redscale Clan
- Kingdom of Reveria
- Blademarches (destroyed)
- Kingdom of Castanor (destroyed)
- Kingdom of Castellyr (destroyed)
- The Corintar / Order of Corin
- Kingdom of Corvuria
- Count's League
- Kingdom of Marrhold
- Republic of Nathalaire
- Petty Kingdom of Ourdia
- Lordship of Urionmar
Konungdómr of Bjarnrík[]
Great Clan of Frozenmaw[]
Independent Realms[]
- Lordship of Adshaw
- Lordship of Alencay
- Jarldom of Avnkaup
- Broken Jaw Clan
- Republic of Bayvic
- Principality of Celmaldor
- Republic of Coldmarket
- Chiefdom of Digoveda
- Republic of Dinesck
- Republic of Envermarck
- Republic of Everwharf
- Lordship of Frostwall
- Hideguzzler Clan
- Jarldom of Naugsvol
- Obrtrol
- Republic of Reachspier
- Republic of Redgarhavn
- March of Serpentgard (March under Principality of Celmaldor)
- Skaldskola
- Jarldom of Urviksten
- Vængheim Matriarchy
- Kingdom of Vrorenmarch (destroyed)
Marcher Lords and Organizations during The Greentide[]
Marcher Lords[]
- Anbenncóst Expedition
- Order of the Ashen Rose
- Brave Brothers
- Cobalt Company
- Company of the Thorn
- Gallant Friends
- House of Riches
- Iron Hammers
- Order of the Iron Sceptre
- New Wanderers
- Pioneer's Guild
- Raven Banner
- Small Fellows
- Sons of Dameria
- Stalwart Band
- Sword Covenant
- Warriors of Ancard
Greentide Clans[]
Orc Clans[]
- Beasteater
- Blackmoon
- Bladebreaker
- Blightseed
- Bloodgorger
- Bonecarver
- Clouded Eye
- Cursed Howl
- Deadfang
- Dogeater
- Heartgrinder
- Rotcleaver
- Sapchopper
- Severed Ear
- Silentblade
- Silvertusk
- Venomtooth
Goblin Clans[]
- Aqatbar Overclan
- Brambleskinner
- Earworm
- Flung Head
- Flying Hound
- Grasshopper Muncher
- Greysheep
- Groundhawk
- Headwearer
- Landshark
- Mountainhugger
- Oubbligschild
- Spiked Log
- Verminhusk
Wood Elven Clans[]
Serpentspine Mountains[]
West Dwarovar[]
- Asra Expedition
- Company of Duran Blueshield
- Darkscale Clan
- Hold of Krakdhûmvror
- Mountainshark Clan
- Railskulker Clan
- Roadwarrior Clan
- Ruby Company
- Shattered Crown Clan
- Siegebreaker Clan
- Silverforge Expedition
- Snotfinger Clan
- Spiderwretch Clan
- Truedagger Clan
- Wretched Skull Clan
Serpent's Vale[]
Middle Dwarovar[]
- Greedy Grin Clan
- Grizehûd Chiefdom
- Hold of Seghdihr
- Shadowdreamer Clan
- Skewered Drake Clan
- Hold of Verkal Gulan
Tree of Stone[]
- Hold of Ovdal Kanzad
- Chaingrasper Clan
- Dûrsikari Chiefdom
Goblins of the Undergrowth[]
Jade Mines[]
- Blackstep Clan (Slave State under The Command)
- Stolen Gem Clan (Slave State under The Command)
Kingdom of Azka-Evran[]
Kingdom of Birsartanšes[]
Kingdom of Irrliam[]
Kingdom of Sareyand[]
Kingdom of Varamhar[]
Independent Realms[]
- Ayarallen Queendom
- Republic of Bulwar (Tributary to Tluukt)
- Republic of Crathánor
- Akalate of Dartaxâgerdim
- Eduz-Vacyn (Tributary to Zokka)
- Akalate of Harklum (Tributary to Zokka)
- Hytiranyalen Matriarchy
- Nanšalen Matriarchy
- Hold of Ovdal Tûngr
- Republic of Re'uyel
- Tluukt Pack
Far Bulwar[]
Zokka Pack[]
Independent Realms[]
- Akalate of Azka-Sur
- Elayenna Matriarchy
- Jaddari Legion
- Akalate of Dasmatuš
- Mulen Matriarchy
- Siadan Matriarchy
North Salahad[]
Kingdom of Kheterata[]
Kingdom of Elizna[]
Independent Realms[]
- Brrtekuh Pack
- Deshak (Personal Union under Kingdom of Eborthíl)
- Ekha
- Temple of Nirat
- Viakkoc's Grand Corsair Kingdom
South Salahad[]
- Gnollakaz Pack
- League of Haraagtseda
- Rakkaz Pack
- Adaru Chiefdom
- Kingdom of Binwarji
- Bokiya Chiefdom
- Order of Dendugma
- Irkorzik Pack
- Jagab Faru Chiefdom
- Grand Republic of Kunolo
- Maikirow Chiefdom
- Mausarjirad Chiefdom (Vassal under Bokiya)
- Tribal Kingdom of Ndurubu
- Grand Princedom of Negefaama
- Medasi of Samishesha
- Taafisi Chiefdom (Vassal under Ndurubu)
- Tzilekal Pack
- Bronze Domain of Aramoole
- Lordship of Duwarkani
- Magocracy of Muhaqaar
- Lordship of Mattabo (Vassal under Muhaqaar)
- Free Republic of Samsumbat
- Medasi of Gomuvuri (March under Aramoole)
- Medasi of Imbushid
- Medasi of Isagumze
- Medasi of Iqhekabi
- Medasi of Kuiika
- Medasi of Kulugiash
- Medasi of Saqraxat
- Medasi of Zena
- Medasi of Zuvavim
- Republic of Afakoyuzemby
- Kingdom of Anàniltra
- Kingdom of Amezajik
- Kingdom of Ataturozi
- Kingdom of Bamdikizy
- Kingdom of Hasakely
- Shrine of Jakannakazy (Vassal under Mihitarab)
- Shrine of Lelanán
- Republic of Maranakavi
- Kingdom of Mazanosy
- Kingdom of Mihitarab
- Lordship of Mpirelmasi (Vassal under Mihitarab)
- Republic of Oronsinoma
- Kingdom of Rayafo
- Republic of Sisinybohi
- Kingdom of Tibokbo
- Tower of Tiboktsamo
- Kingdom of Tsanizadai
- Lordship of Tvarateram
- Kingdom of Vumarano
South Sarhal[]
Anzara Empire (also known as Zerat)[]
- Bulwark State of Katsanada (Vassal under Zerat)
- Bulwark State of Ashkha (Vassal under Zerat)
Karasskas Empire[]
Riverclaw Tribes[]
- Tokhraz of Rayaz
- Tokhraz of Arazin (Vassal under Rayaz)
- Tokhraz of Asarta
Other States[]
- Chiefdom of Abussa
- Ikatara of Ashakani
- Chiefdom of Gakha
- Tokhraz of Golkhi
- Tokhraz of Ishalani
- Chiefdom of Kakhazajar
- Chiefdom of Karach
- Ikatara of Khugra
- Ikatara of Nazhni
- Chiefdom of Rshak
- Ikatara of Shalazar
- Ikatara of Shangra
- Tokhraz of Tsurin
- Chiefdom of Tsuz
- Ikatara of Yassa
- Chiefdom of Zatal
- Tokhraz of Zatsuti
- Chiefdom of Zulbur
Jasiir Jadid and Ardimya[]
Qabiika Baddabi[]
Qabiika Beeragga[]
Qabiika Dadubakha[]
- The Hisraad Expedition
Qabiika Gawakhiza[]
Qabiika Weggabiga[]
City of Uwakila Baashi[]
Tribes of Ardimya[]
- Amubariz Tribe
- Rijalsahil Tribe
- Qasriga Tribe
- Wattoi Tribe
East Sarhal[]
Cunning River Eel Confederacy[]
- Confederacy of Cunning River Eel
- Confederacy of Natani
- Confederacy of Red Fanged Gorilla
Violent Hearted Goose Confederacy[]
- Confederacy of Violent Hearted Goose
- Confederacy of Friend Helping Parrot
- Confederacy of Work Doing Hippo
Vassals under Katidariga[]
- Confederacy of Izmeri
- Confederacy of Ksataza
- Confederacy of Well Fed Elephant
- Death Bringing Cobra Clan
- Butuguzi League
- Kikirya of Degumwamba
- Kikirya of Eusiwuni
- Kikirya of Gumti
- Kikirya of Inshibonde
- Kikirya of Katidariga
- Kikirya of Kaziradoka
- Kingdom of Averilibet
- Kingdom of Bosonkikon
- High Kingdom of Boyebareti
- Kingdom of Dugiti
- Kingdom of Enikmesiki
- Kingdom of Fetengoni
- Kingdom of Fuulmana
- Kingdom of Hisost Yamok
- Kingdom of Huugeta
- Wardenship of Yemotaferi
- Kingdom of Ibekisedara
- Kingdom of Kadamtu
- Kingdom of Ketemcaka
- Kingdom of Kidsit Yiti
- Kingdom of Layinret
- Crimson Kingdom of Lipmekat
- Kingdom of Manta
- Kingdom of Matamot
- Kingdom of Meretgaban
- Kingdom of Mewomender
- Kingdom of Mukis
- Kingdom of Saposakosa
- Kingdom of Sedarketema
- Kingdom of Shelokmengi
- Kingdom of Simegasa
- Kingdom of Teleksemayi
- Kingdom of Werikgeta
- Kingdom of Wezingoa
- Kingdom of Yetmesira
- Babhagama
- Endhuvi
- Parusad Bhola
- Pasiragha
- Pordhatti
- Rabaghekhur
- Rabhidaraj
- Tiltaghar
- Amtarim
- Amtujsaat
- Banjibang
- Banjiraal
- Banjisbid
- Buhaanjirghal
- Dhenijansar
- Dhurajaghan
- Ghattub
- Ghavaghuundakhan
- Ghundagar
- Keyattordha
- Khiraspid
- Khirnadhiman
- Maldeelakhan
- Parus Panasur
- Parusahan Saya
- Rayavhatimana
- Saddathar
- Sardiphadin
- Setapsim
- Setarbul
- Setarudhar
- Sharaajaghal
- Shenral
- Thadarsaghol
- Tudhina
- Tujgal
- Umdaj
Tribes of the Ghankedhen[]
The Command[]
Grand Republic of Bhuvauri[]
Southern Kingdoms[]
Ruin Kingdoms[]
- Lordship of Kamapar (Vassal under Kingdom of Sarnavan)
- Lordship of Khadisrapur
- Lordship of Parraj
- Kingdom of Rajnadhaga
- Kingdom of Sarnavan
- Lordship of Tilathi (Vassal under Kingdom of Sarnavan)
Porcelain Cities[]
- Sarisung Organisation
- Nundujisbid Gang (March of Sarisung Organisation)
- Kethur Gang (March of Sarisung Organisation)
- Khappur Gang (March of Sarisung Organisation)
- Sarkhani Gang (March of Sarisung Organisation)
North Haless[]
- Baadum of Tuuista Jaal (Autonomous Vassal under Kaashegate of Nuugdan Tsaraii)
- Kaashegate of Nuugdan Tsarai
- Baadum of Rüng Oedek
- Jaengun of Daengun
- Oinukhudi Cheq'anate
- Khezhagak
- Dolontugiin Confederacy
- Hakuukulga
- High Lotus Seat of Cangji
- City of Bazuneizar
Eagle Hobgoblin Convocations[]
- Nutean Kezen
- Nunsan Banbe
- Kuenan Nirokyu
- Zugi Yusan
Soulseeker Monasteries[]
- Olkhalsu
- Sudokli
- Shevhedil
- Motelisamok
Upper Yanshen[]
- Sage Council of Balrijin
- Eternal Council of Jinqiu
- Kingdom of Bianfang
Yanszin League[]
- Republic of Guhe
- Republic of Anjiang
- Republic of Yangcheng
- Republic of Yanzhong
- Republic of Yingzhen
North Yanshen[]
- Republic of Beikdugang
- Republic of Gushokguan
- Peasant Republic of Lanjinhui
- Republic of Zhiquan
- Jiantsiang Dictatorship
Yanshen Coast[]
- Kingdom of Zyujyut
- League of Feiten
- Republic of Tianlou
- Republic of Kohai
- Republic of Sziangnu
- Republic of Jiangdu
- Lordship of Zongji
- Republic of Yinquan
- Republic of Luoyip
- House of Xiyun
Demon Hills[]
- Wudikmen
- Fengzhaobu
- Jilin
- Aoshan
- Rang Nartak
- Yumaomen
- Vidvakhoka
- Nay Khwan
- Liukhexingzhe
- Lo Phasong
- Hufumen
- Bommak
- Fengwuzhe
- He Preahsang
- Xaram
- Linquanzhuang
- Tsiancukmen
- Shanyutian
- Jinhusi
- Jianxusi
- Yizeikwu
- Yantrakari
- Qiansimiao
- Republic of Semphrerong
- Mercenary Kingdom of Lot Dekkhang
- Rongbek Chiefdom
- Grand Republic of Khabtei Teleni
- Lordship of Phatmen Di
- Kingdom of Bim Lau
- Lordship of Prukakhin
- Risbek Chiefdom
- Township of Azkare
- Township of Khao Elnak
- Township of Lo Ngoen
- Township of Thirabnir
Heirs of Baihon Xinh[]
- Empire of Ma Hoang
- Ghost Emperorship of Hon Sai
- Kingdom of Nagon
The Mountain King[]
- Hold of Verkal Ozovar
- Lordship of Tidtam (Vassal of Hold of Verkal Ozovar)
- Lordship of Hinphat (Vassal of Hold of Verkal Ozovar)
- Lordship of Pheuon Duan (Vassal of Hold of Verkal Ozovar)
Mystics of the Lupulan[]
- Sirtan Chiefdom
- Kuplukamba Chiefdom
- Jaya Raya Chiefdom
- Bukit Bantay Chiefdom
- Menek Poko Chiefdom
- Lelak Chiefdom
- Labanyak Chiefdom
- Kuta Chiefdom
- Pelimkana Chiefdom
- Tlagapatung Chiefdom
Southern Seas[]
- Pirate Republic of Pinghoi
- Kingdom of Arawkelin
- Vung Quc of Chien Binhrung
- Grand Princedom of Kudet Kai
- Brenulan Stratocracy
Forbidden Plains[]
Kingdom of Maghargma[]
Wild Ogre Clans[]
Centaur Hordes[]
- Battlesong
- Black Herd
- Blackcharge
- Blazing Sky
- Blood Spear
- Bloodbringer
- Burning Hooves
- City Razer
- Cloudbane
- Crashing Wave
- Doomhorde
- Endless Arrows
- Glorious Charge
- Golden Tremor
- Great Hoof
- Great Rally
- Great Storm
- Green Flame
- Hundred Hooves
- Lakefoe
- Lightning Wielder
- Moon Tracker
- Nightmare
- Northern Wind
- Red Stallion
- Ruin Bringer
- Serpent Shadow
- Silence Breaker
- Silent Quake
- Silvermane
- Skyblot
- Star Rider
- Stormsinger
- Sunrider
- Thousand Voices
- Thunderborn
- Warsight
- White Shadow
- Winged Blade
Lake Federation[]
Northern Cities[]
- Akuutengen
- Bazur Qarshtuluu (Vassal under City of Vahjevgiiv)
- Haraigizenhi Bulrek
- Khirntozgon
- Khugatseig
- Kovtalzar
- Kozuurigür
- Länkuuhsta
- Mizaqtoch
- Negechimudh
- Orilgbulrek
- Tolgusrek
- Tzidoilhol
- Vahjevgiiv
- Yarumudh
- Yizuqkeyil
- Zurka Qarshtuluu
Southern Cities[]
- Bozkuqayla
- Buruvaqoyla
- Jungyukaroy
- Länkinä
- Märekiiv
- Narkel
- Raattakod
- Sinesadma
- Tayerigliq
- Valralahdi
- Vantnhasadma
- Yikashlay
- Zabyos'tlar
Ruined Sea[]
- Kwineh Tribe
- Boek Tribe
- Inek Tribe
- Tehanek Tribe
- Yanek Tribe
- Jayek Tribe
Cheshoshoanta Tribe[]
Autonomous Vassals[]
- Temple of Adbrabohvi
- Lordship of Adbraseloc (Iosahar under Lordship of Arganjuzorn)
- Lordship of Arverynn
- Lordship of Arvezl (Iosahar under Lordship of Trompolere, formerly under Lordship of Arverynn)
- Lordship of Fadhevych
- Lordship of Selocshana (Iosahar under Temple of Adbrabohvi)
- Lordship of Stanyrhrada
- Lordship of Stenurynn
- Township of Thromshana (Iosahar under Lordship of Arverynn)
- Lordship of Trompolere
- Lordship of Vels Bacar
- Republic of Vels Domfan
- Lordship of Vels Fadhecai
- Lordship of Amacimst
- Lordship of Arganjuzorn
- Temple of Bosancovac
- Republic of Brelar
- Lordship of Drevkenuc
- Lordship of Grebniesth
- Lordship of Lisicalrevo (Iosahar under Lordship of Juzondezan)
- File:Malacnar flag.png Kingdom of Malacnar
- Lordship of Mocvare
- Lordship of Stantirshalas (Vassal under File:Malacnar flag.png Kingdom of Malacnar)
- Lordship of Vareynn (Iosahar under Lordship of Amacimst)
- Lordship of Gomosengha
- Lordship of Juzondezan
- Lordship of Pomvasonn
- Temple of Svemel (Vassal under Lordship of Pomvasonn)
Spring Court[]
- Scarbag Arakeprun
- Dukad Elchos
- Scarbag Kairncal
Summer Court[]
Autumn Court[]
Winter Court[]
Kheionai Subcontinent[]
- Republic of Arpedifér
- Republic of Degakheion
- Chiefdom of Eltikan
- Republic of Kherka
- Republic of Lokemeion
- Republic of Oktikheion
- Republic of Ormam
- Republic of Anisíkheion
- Republic of Apikhoxí
- Republic of Besolakí
- Republic of Empkeios
- Republic of Eneion
- Republic of Keyolíon