Formed after the Day of Ashen Skies, the Coven of Yezel Mora refers to the coven of three hags that controlled Yezel Mora, or the Shadow Swamp, composed of Hireet Smoketusk, Ilfanill Gloomweaver, and Komina Riftwhisper.
Hireet and Ilfanill were ancient sister hags that lived in the Feyrealm. After committing a terrible deed to an Archfey, Ilfanill was blamed and banished to the Shadow Plane, becoming one of the first hags to have it happen to them.
Hireet eventually purchased a battalion of trolls to grow her domain in the fey woods from the true giant Bålmir in exchange for giving him a cursed bow of flame,
Ilfanill meanwhile lived a harsh existence in the shadow plane. Eventually she found the Yezelne Nisha, the Shadowroot Matriarch, standing tall the world tree exuded a region of space in the shadow plane that had been tainted by the material planes energies. Trees, frogs and other critters found in our swamps could be found there. She decided to settle and learn all she could from the powerful tree. Eventually she became the first night hag of the Shadow Plane successfully leeching and binding the powers contained within the Shadowroot Matriarch, and soon other banished hags were contacted, and brought to live in the shadow of the world tree.
With the Day of Ashen Skies in 1 BA - 1 came the birth of Komina Riftwhisper. Contacted by Hireet when she was young, she would join the two sisters and learn from them.
The Coven[]
- Hireet Smoketusk - Known to have been the most arrogant of the three, she always tried to look like the best, smartest, strongest, and cleverest of the coven.
- Komina Riftwhisper - Born from the collective grief and pain caused by the Day of Ashen Skies, she was contacted by Hireet very early in her life to be taken under Hireet and Ilfanills wing to learn the secret powers of the Shadow Plane and to share their power.
- Ilfanill Gloomweaver - The master planner and well of knowledge for the coven, she loved to collect a ever expanding pool of knowledge she keeps closely guarded, knowing many forbidden and hidden secrets on Halann.