The Dragon. Once, they ruled the world, now, few of their number remain, but the few that do are in positions of power, with only rumours of their existence. During the Dragonwake, they came back into Halcann with a fury never seen since the Inheritance War. They were frenzied, for some unknown reason, and burned vast stretches of land, although some of them flew to remote portions of the world, and began to enact plans.
OOC Notes to sort
- Dragons are shapeshifters. Dragons have no gender and do not need another dragon to create eggs, they can however identify as male, female, etc and shapeshift to have whatever appendages you need
- As they can shapeshift and often hide in plain sight, they can impregnate other races to create half-dragons, etc (this is also the source of dragonblooded sorcerers, who derive their magical abilities due to that draconic ancestry)
- Dragons get stronger with age
- They have natural affinity with magic
Draconic Magic[]
OOC Notes to sort
- Dragon magic is mostly verbal components: they dont do any movement its just their voice
- akin to Skyrim's dragons
- but in our case dragons breath e.g. fire, that is just biological
- a dragon can instead say some magic words to timestop or summon a ice storm etc
Notable Dragons[]
- Nimrith the Red
- Tayekan the Blue
- Iothoral the Green
- Drozmagog
- Varlengeilt
- Zaamalot the Black
- Sand Demon of the Salahad
- Elkaesal the White
- Hunter of the Deep
- Avatar of Castellos (Silver Dragon of Castanor)
- Jyntas the Brass
- Aakhet the Bronze
- Alos the Copper
- Balris the Gold
- Jorgurem the Frozen
- Zenidir Zentirizar "The Shadowslayer"
- Eztarthul the Astral Terror
- Sedamurax the Iron Maw