Anbennar Wiki

Drosten River-Reaver was a Black Castanorian warlord and ancestor of the modern House of Themarenn. He was formerly a commander for Black Castanor and occupied the central Esmar River, including Themarenn during the War of the Sorcerer-King. A few months after the Relief of Wexkeep in 1006 he switched sides and joined the League of Free Realms, helping liberate Esmaria and fight in major battles like the Battle of Damesteeth, in addition to leading league forces up the Alen during the Liberation of Castanor.

After the end of the War of the Sorcerer-King he was ordered to hand back his lands to the Esmarian peoples but he refused, using his army, which had stayed loyal to him, and his River-Reavers, an elite guard who specialized in fighting on rivers to maintain control as a warlord and petty king in the region. Despite this, his relation with his elf consort Saelihn pushed elvenization in the Esmar greatly when other native nobles had refused.

Personal Life[]

Drosten was known for his love with the elf Saelihn who had been captured during his time ruling central Esmar. He later freed Saelihn who bore him a bastard son that he later legitimized. It is said that his reasons for turning to the league was largely motivated by his life for his consort, though most scholars say it mainly an opportunistic gambit after the Relief of Wexkeep to preserve his holdings.

Drosten became great friends with Munas Moonsinger during his time in the League of Free Realms, and was also one of the early supporters in his ascension to divinity.
