Anbennar Wiki

One of the famed ships of the Remnant Fleet, the Migrant Ship Estádha, meaning Lady Luck, was well-known for its role in calming and raising hope during the Great Wander. Led by the famous elf and namesake of Istralore, Istralania Warsinger, the Estádha was the first ship to follow Munas Moonsinger's bold claims to follow the moon towards a new home - it is said that without the Estádha the other ships would not have gained confidence to follow, for the hardest roles is that of a leader and their first follower the Istralari Banshees. They were the elite all-women soldiers led by their namesake, the elf Istralara Warsinger, during the War of the Sorcerer-King. Infamous in battle, the screeches of the banshees were often followed by death, destruction and countless corpses of the Black Legions of Castanor.

Even before the founding of Istralore, the Damerian Dales have long been a source of metals for the region. It is with the Dalemines that the Damerid tribes rose as a military power in the first place, and it is with the Dalemines that Istralore continued that military power throughout modern history. Istralore stands as one of the last remaining bastions of honour and nobility in the Empire. When Anbennar was formed, Istralore took on the role as Marshals of the Imperial Army and was responsible for leading the fledgling empire's martial efforts. It is no surprise that this tradition still holds, and the men and women of Istralore stand ready to defend Anbennar (and Istralore) with honour and integrity. With the Grand Duchy of Dameria dissolved after the Lilac Wars, Istralore, Dameria's primary vassal, now stands as the de facto heir to the Damerian throne and by rights has claim on all lands of the old Grand Duchy.
