The Dwarovar Railway, or Dwarovrod, was an ancient transportation system that sat on the main dwarven roads beneath the Serpentspine Mountains and connected the many dwarven holds. The railway tracks were made of Dagrite which were consistently electrified that not only allowed the Dagrite tracks to self-repair (a unique ability of the metal), but also powered the trains that made their way around the Dwarovar. Massive mobile foundries were capable of crafting new rail on the move, in case one stopped working for any reason. At the height of Aul-Dwarov, shanty towns were a common sight along the railways.
Fall of Er-Natvir[]
The hold of Er-Natvir was the hub of the railway and handled much of its administration across the Dwarovar. The fall of the hold to orcs was a pivotal moment during the Last Days of Dwarovar, although it didn't lead to to the immediate stopping of the railways they quickly fell into disrepair and were officially declared defunct 5876 BA. Their stopping cut-off many holds and supplies lines that eventually led to the fall of dwarven civilization.
When the railway was shutdown long-distance communication was no longer possible and any dwarven armies in the field, such as in the halls, tunnels and highway, fell apart from disorganization and logistical problems, some like Harnul the Good, who was trapped in the middle of the rail system, decided to continue on foot with his men to their original destination whilst others deserted for their homes or settled at the nearest hold.
The lack of communication led to the isolationist stance we see from dwarven holds today, without any effective way of coordination between nearby holds, the surviving holds developed a defensive and independent attitude and often refused to make contact or even help outsiders, dwarf or otherwise.
Without food, water and goods coming in through the highway, many holds fell into chaos and starvation.
Initially, holds close to the surface fared better than their deeper counterparts, unlike deep holds which became increasingly isolationist and hostile, the outer holds became more reliant on outside relations and trade to sustain themselves. However, their reliance on the surface eventually made them vulnerable to blockade, especially during the time of the Phoenix Empire. Luckily most outer holds had grown self-sufficient by then but as a consequence are now more selective with who they deal with.
On the extreme side, some dwarves decided to abandon the Dwarovar completely. These early dwarves established settlement and became quasi-kings and nobles over the less advanced inhabitants such as humans. Later on the dwarves played a major role in uplifting human society as a whole, as well as aiding in the creation of many rising urban centers, establishing a strong dwarven mercantile class that still dominates today.
The longest, and commonly known as the main line, the Dwarovrod stretches 83 segments from Khugdihr where it originates in the West Serpentspine to Verkal Dromak in the east. This line was essential as it stretches down the Serpentspine, allowing quick transport across the mountain range.
Beginning in Er-Natvir, the Daginrod is commonly known as the Northern Rail due to its 17 segments stretching northwards to Dûr-Vazhatun. This line was the fastest way to reach Krakdĥumvror despite not extending past Vazhatun.
From Er-Natvir to Marrhold, this 2 segment line was primarily used for transporting cargo across the Escann-Dwarovar up until its retirement after Marrhold collapsed the tunnel. This line would remain in disuse and disrepair until the tunnel's grand re-opening.
The Gorrod Line is a 2 segment line responsible for connecting the Serpentreach to the West Dwarovar by going underneath the Firanyalen pass. It also functions as a connector rail between the Dwarovrod and Argrod lines.
Running along the Serpentreach for 18 segments from Arg-Ôrdstun to Gor Bûrad in the far east, the Argrod is the main line connecting these holds along with Verkal Skomdihr, Shazstundihr, and Ovdal Lodhum.
Nez Argrod[]
Another shorter line, the Nez Argrod splits off the first segment of the Argrod to connect Orlghelovar 3 segments west. This line was primarily used for transporting glass commodities from the hold to the main rails.
The shortest line of the Dwarovar, the Seghrod is 1 segment connecting Seghdihr to the Dwarovrod. This line was a must to facilitate quick transport of the Seg Band from the hold to the various members of the Segbandal.
Splitting off from a Dwarovrod junction in the Tree of Stone, the Grôzumrod line continues to run south towards western Rahen for 4 segments, ending in Grôzumdihr. This line allowed passage to western Rahen and the many important tax documents stored within the hold.
Running south to north in the Jade Mines, this line begins in the entrance to northern Rahen, passing through Grônstunad, and ending in Vûrdriz-Ândriz, this 3 segment line was responsible for major traffic from and to Rahen. Traders in search of jade and other such dwarven commodities would frequent this rail.
A specialized line running through the hold of Amldihr, the Amlrod ran from the Eastern Entrance through to the Southern Entrance. Specialized cars were fitted onto these trains to hold defensive supplies such as volatile ammo or weaponry in order to quickly transport them to the two entrances. In times of peace, these lines were effective for civilian transport amongst the mega-hold or for those seeking to go out and into the Vale.
Arg Tunad[]
Managed by the Gorrod line, connecting the Serpentreach to the West Dwarovar.
Vazok Tunad[]
Managed by the Dwarovrod line, connecting the West Dwarovar to the Middle Dwarovar.
Oza Tunad[]
Managed by the Dwarovrod line, connecting the West Serpentspine to the East Serpentspine.
Grôn Tunad[]
Managed by the Dwarovrod line, connecting the Tree of Stone to the Jade Mines.
Amlvaz Tunad[]
Managed by the Dwarvorod line, connecting Verkal Vazkron to the Dwarovrod.
Amloz Tunad[]
Managed by the Daginrod line, connecting the Hall of the Ancestors to the Daginrod.