Dwarven Ancestor Worship is a faith focused on the veneration of dwarven ancestors, who range from close local ancestors and heads of their clan bloodlines to ancient dwarves of great renown. Adherents believe that venerating said ancestors would help them emulate their deeds in modern day. Ancestor worship varies greatly by region as they have different ancestors associated with them, with only the Great Ancestors transcending this. The faith is viewed as secular compared to others, due to the veneration of ancestors mostly being done through storytelling and attempt to emulate their ancestors.
In ancient times the dwarven people used to worship gods under the Dwarven Pantheon, but that faith was abandoned in the Serpentspine during the Last Days of Dwarovar, with only the holds of Verkal Ozovar and Rubyhold still adhering to the faith before the reclaimers journeyed back into the Dwarovar.
List of Great Ancestors[]
In addition to the literal ancestors of a dwarf, there are some known as 'Great Ancestors' which are universally revered across all dwarfkind. Many Great Ancestors date to long before the fall of dwarven civilization, and some like Dagrin Everbeard were once gods of the old pantheon.
- Dagrin Everbeard
- Gimron Lawgiver
- Hehogrim the Diligent
- Balgar the Builder
- Krummul Orcslayer
- Mellegar the Inventor
- Urist the Pioneer
- Quila the Harvester
- Murri Giantbreaker
Holy Sites[]
- Amldihr, the ancient capital of Aul-Dwarov and home to the Hall of Ancestors.
- Grônstunad was the eastern capital of Aul-Dwarov, where dwarves were known for their vibrant lifestyles.
- Er-Natvir was one of the core cities of the Dwarovar, and also the hub in which all rails sprouted from.
- Hehodovar was where many of the first holds were designed and architected. It was allegedly the first capital of the dwarven peoples.
- Hul-Jorkad was a hold of no importance... until one day a dark scourge emerged from its depths.
- Arg-Ôrdstun was the capital of the Serpentreach, who in its day often challenged the High Kings of Aul-Dwarov.
- Earthseed is said to be the location that Halanna, the Earthmother, created the first dwarves, and it was with their help that the fine details of the world were perfected.
All Ancestors' Day[]
All Ancestors’ Day happens every year, but some years there are more funds for a greater celebration, or simply more need to remember the recently passed. All dwarves who are able to come together with their clans or families to pay respects to the ancestors, whether they died long ago or recently. This is done by lighting candles at the shrines and tombs, and exchanging stories about the ancestors. All Ancestors’ Day is a day of mourning and ritual storytelling, but also a day to meet old friends, mend rivalries, and assure every dwarf that they, too, will be remembered.