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Effelai Jungle Worship is a catch-all term for the various beliefs of the Ruinborn in the Effelai Jungle. The beliefs center around their intepretation of the jungle's unique phenomena: that it is alive as one entity and can "sing" (via the movement of branches and tree trunks), as well as take over the minds of living things by implanting them with a piece of the jungle.


  • Tswohvwoh'íi - is the title of the goddess of the Effelai jungle, the unknowable song of the jungle. It is believed by the Effe'i and Laí'i people that Tswohvwoh'íi needs song to remain satisfied, and perform regular 'sacrifices' of song and of blood to keep the jungle goddess happy, and its many terrors silent.
  • Chahinanito - is the Paruran name for Tswohvwoh'íi. Worship of the jungle goddess is very similar in Leechden to the rest of Effelai, but with a greater focus on human sacrifice and the more deadly aspects of the jungle.
  • Song Servants - The song servants are direct vassals of the Effelai jungle itself, having lost all humanity. They are known to sway and move in unison with the jungle as it "sings" in a trance-like state.
  • Leechfather - The Leechmen of the Dens believe that a great, giant Leechfather sleeps underneath the swamp, and that unless they sate His thirst for blood by throwing living sacrifices into the Dens for Him to devour, then the Father will awaken from his slumber to suck the whole world dry.
  • Orwa'íi - the song of divine walls, was the Oono'i belief that Tswohvwoh'íi is an evil entity, and that Effelai must be purified of her taint. The Orwa'íi belief, along with its people, fell to ruin many years ago. Few remnants remain.