Anbennar Wiki

The Elven Language (known as Lan'ven in the tongue) is a language originally spoken by the elven people but have since reached prominence throughout Cannor as a language of magic, nobility and the arts. The language is generally described as soft-spoken, musical and pleasant to the ear.

Grammar & Linguistics[]

The Elven Language features common usage of portmanteau and compounds in our case the elven language uses apostrophes (') to combine words and phrases, as well as cutting words into shorter versions (often to previous half of the word, eg Dasar becomes Das).

Apostrophe combination example:

Second = Seta

Golden = Sur

Age = Galaan

Golden Age = Surgalaan

Second Golden Age = Seta'surgalaan

Shortening combination example:

Sky/High = Aesa

Paradise = Dasar

Shortened form of Dasar = Das

Sky Paradise = Aesadas

Apostrophe and shortening combination example:

Language (of) = Lanwen

Shortened form of Lanwen = Lan

Shortened form of Venaan = Ven

Language of the Elves/Elven Language = Lan'ven

Nobiliary particle[]

As many nobles in Cannor share elven or half-elven blood, more often than not they use elven nobiliary particles for their surnames.

Sil (Blood of)[]

Used exclusively by the Silver Families, those using this particle are of the oldest and most powerful half-elven bloodlines of Cannor.

Sil + [elven ancestor name]


Marion Silmuna (Marion, blood of Munas)

síl (of location)[]

The most common particle used by most human or half-elven nobility.

Name síl [location]


Stefan síl Terr (Stefan of Terr)

Kylian síl Loren (Kylian of Lorent)

síl na / sína (of the)[]

The second most common particle, sometimes used by the nobility but can also be used by commonfolk in other contexts.

Name síl na [location/phrase/etc]

Aldres síl na Rós'gala (Aldres of the White Rose)

alternatively, this can be combined:

Cassa sína Árvar (Cassa of the High Forest)

ta (of the Remnant Ship)[]

Used by elves descending from the ship captains of the Remnant Fleet.

Name ta'[Ship Name]


Ibenion ta'Lunatéin (Ibenion of the Moonfire)

Istralania ta'Estádha (Istralania of the Lady Luck)

