Anbennar Wiki

A Redglader elf, Endral the Explorer is known for the rediscovery of the elven homeland of Aelantir in 1490. Hailing from a long line of navigators and explorers, Endral set off from Sornaire, sponsored by king Kylian VII of Lorent, making his way west across Uelos' Lament.

Making three separate voyages, with each Endral would go deeper into the Ruined Sea, charting the unrecognizable land. A number of locations would go on to be named after Endral for his voyages, Endralliande being the most well-known. This would also lead to a sudden rush of elves returning to Aelantir along with an unprecedented amount of explorers and colonizers looking to lay claim to the "new" land.

These voyages not only revealed how much Aelantir had changed, but that the journey was but a few weeks (thanks to Caravels) and there was much less magical radiation than anticipated, making the land survivable.
