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Fey is a classification that refers to beings whose origins are to some degree derived from the Feyrealm. Notably, not all fey are native to the Feyrealm. Indeed, a number of fey, such as Centaurs and Satyrs, originate from Halann (more formally the Prime Material plane). However, because these creatures came into being due to the strong influence from the Feyrealm, they are still considered fey in nature. As such, fey is more of a constructed classification than a real biological category.


See also: List of Fey

Due to the chaotic nature of the Feyrealm, combined with an abundance of life magic, fey are well known to take every shape and form. Because of this, not all fey conform to a ‘species’. Quite regularly there are fey who are simply unique, born alone by the peculiar magic of the Feyrealm. Yet, despite their unique origins, most fey have been observed to follow normal life cycles not unlike those of the material plane. The exception to this comes in the form of the seemingly ageless, though not immortal, archfey.


Main article: The Archfey

Powerful beyond most any mortal reckoning, the Archfey are a unique set of fey whose origin is shrouded in mystery. It is believed that they were amongst the first fey to ever arise, as all other fey, sapient or not, seem to respect the Archfey. It is also possible this behavior is simply due to the disparity in power between other fey and the Archfey.


While all sapient fey have their own unique cultures, they are all subject to the influence of the Archfey. One could equate this to how the great powers of the Prime Material influence day to day life for all across the world. However, instead having distinct countries, the Archfey organize in the form of what the Wood Elves of the Deepwoods call the Fey Courts. The most powerful of these courts the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, however other courts such as Eordand's Seasonal Courts are also of note.

These courts are often at odds and are almost always taking subtle, though sometimes potentially devastating, moves to undermine each other. Caught in between, lesser fey are usually forced to take sides and are sometimes used as pawns by the courts.

However, a small number of archfey, do not align with any court. These unaligned archfey are sometimes sought by lesser fey as an alternative to the courts, but the fickle nature of these archfey can sometimes make them unreliable patrons.

The Fey Courts[]

The Seelie Court[]

Led by the Fey Queen, the Seelie Court is defined by its jubilant and frivolous nature. Parties and festivals are a near constant. Mischief and change are ideals held to the highest esteem as the Seelie Court believes this is how one can live life to the fullest. It is from the Seelie Court that the Fey reputation of troublemakers stems from.

The Unseelie Court[]

Headed by the King of Darkness, the Unseelie Court is a dour place where resilience and willpower are valued. To those of the Unseelie Court, life is a struggle against death. Those who wish to live must prove themselves worthy at all times. Due to this attitude, the Unseelie Court can be held responsible for the callous reputation often associated with the Fey.

The Seasonal Courts[]

A collection of four courts representing the four season of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, the Seasonal Courts are a set of Fey Courts that are loosely aligned in their opposition to the more dominant Seelie and Unseelie Courts.

True Names and Given Names[]

Cutting across all fey cultures is the importance of one's own name. This is believed to be because names seem to hold a special power over fey. The famous example of this comes from story of the goddess Nathalyne and how as a mortal she managed to take the satyr archfey Dolumir's power by learning his "true name." As such, no fey ever provides their "true name" to anyone but their closest friend or partner. Instead, when introduced, a fey provides their "given name" or, in the case of the Archfey, their title.

Notes About The Fey[]

Describing Fey and Fey Influences[]

It is a well proven fact that the Feyrealm, and the Fey themselves, can profoundly change and impact other creatures. Historically, however, superstition has lumped these changes into singular terms. To combat this and provide better clarity, feyologists have defined key terms to more accurately describe these changes and impacts.

Feymarked (commonly, negatively, and unscientifically referred to as fey-stolen) - Describing a person or creature that has been changed in some way that they become Fey. This is usually long-term mutation of a species.

Feybound - Describing someone who has made a pact with the Fey. Individuals who are fey-bound can be fey-formed, but not always.


  • While most all Fey are capable of travel between the Prime Material and Feyrealm, most do not. One can liken it to how an Escanni can walk to Rahen. Just because they can doesn't mean there is reason or will to do so.
  • The Fey, much like other races, aren't a unified group. This is best exemplified by the different reactions to the Burning of the World Tree. Some, like the Ashentree Fey, have devoted themselves to vengeance. Others simply adapted to the changing world.
  • Like other cultures, the Fey have their own creation myths. But that is a story for another time.