Anbennar Wiki

Geographically the Forlorn Vale shares borders with The Alenic Frontier, Damescrown, Esmaria, The Borders, Dostanor, and, most troublingly, West Castanor.

The Forlorn Vale is dominated by the Moon Elf realm of Ibevar but The Greentide has taken and destroyed the eastern-most third of the region. The kingdom has recently accepted the Regent Court faith, and religious tensions in the region are high due to this sea-change. External speculation is rife as to exactly why this occured, and varies between hope that a genuine wave of faith was inspired by the actions of Agrados' avatar in the halting of the Orcish Greentide, and that perhaps a withholding of Magisterium aid prompted a more cynical conversion.

The kingdom is flanked by the Human Orda Aldresia and Aranmas to the south and north respectively, while Bennon lies along the dwarven road across the Havoral Divide to the west. Perhaps the most intriguing country in the region is the isolated principality of Silent Repose where the Elven Forebears are worshipped still. The destruction caused to the Forlorn Vale by the Greentide also makes it unique as the only part of Western Cannor where adventurer bands are currently working to reclaim lost lands, with the Anbenncóst Expedition and the Company of the Thorn now ensconced in the east of the region.
