Gilug Mereside is a Field Chronicler of the Order of Chroniclers known largely for his work on the history of halflings and the Small Country as well as guides documenting the local food traditions of the places he visits. As an orc who was raised by Visfoot Halfling parents, he is regarded as a bit of an oddity even by the members of his adoptive homeland, but is keen to make friends and strive past the stereotypes of both his heritages. Aside from his great love of food and drink, he is also known to dabble in the visual arts, illustrating the dishes he reviews in his own works.
Notable Works[]
- A Taste of Home: The Cuisine of the Small Country
- A Taste of Home Away From Home: The Cuisine of Fahvanosy
- A Taste of Adventure: The Cuisine of Escann
- Half of Nothing: The Hidden Histories of the Halfling People
- A King For All Colors: The Rise and Fall of the House of Vis
- First As Farce, Then As Tragedy: The History of the Kingdom of Iochand