Halann is the closest planet to the Sun in the Solar System and home to many races such as humans, elves and dwarves, and countries such as the Empire of Anbennar. The planet is named after Halanna, the primordial of earth in the Cannorian Creation Myth.
Halann is the center of the Material Plane, which is the center of all of the Planes of Existence.
It's our version of Earth.
The Anbennar EU4 map is to scale with vanilla, so the distances is the same. Both vanilla and Anbennar EU4 map uses https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller_cylindrical_projection
The EU4 Anbennar map, like vanilla, also doesn't showcase the FULL map. The north and south poles are missing.
The equator on EU4 map is where it looks like it is. It is NOT in the middle of the map, but where Leechdens is.