Anbennar Wiki

Halcann (meaning Earth-center in Old Castanorian) is the largest continent in the world, and is divided into three lesser continents. It is part of the larger world known as Halann - both of which are named after the earth goddess Halanna.


  • Cannor: not the largest continent, but one of the few that is mostly temperate. To its west it is bordered by the Uelos' Lament Ocean while its south borders the warm Divenhal Sea. On land, it borders Sarhal to the south via the Serpent's Reach Mountains, as well as Haless on the east, via the Serpentspine Mountains.
  • Sarhal: one of the larger continents, and the hottest of them all.
  • Haless: Halcann's largest continent, with the Serpentspine Mountains in between it and the two other continents.