The Hold of Verkal Ozovar is a dwarven hold nestled into the Phokhao Mountains of southern Haless, remaining a stalwart constant in the region for over four thousand years.
Despite the fall of Aul-Dwarov millennia prior, the Hold of Grônstunad maintained its position in the Jade Mines, beginning construction of an external hold in the Phokhao Range in ca. 3500 BA. Initially indifferent to the native Kai tribes, friendly relations and rudimentary trade would soon be established, allowing workers relative security as the hold continued its construction for over a thousand years.
The initial stage of the hold was completed in 2237 BA, vastly accelerated by the Golden Age of Grônstunad and the eventual Jadefall.
Jadefall Era[]
Following the fall of Grônstunad in 2419 BA, the vast majority of the Jade Dwarves that escaped began a diaspora across Haless, ultimately aiming to make the long trek to Verkal Ozovar. Only a small portion of the initial caravan would find its way to their destination, most instead finding new homes in the various cities of Rahen and South Haless. The several thousand individuals that would eventually make their ways to the nephrite hold quickly integrated into society, maintaining a distinct culture and stubbornly preserving the traditions practiced in the Jade Mines.
The Golden Age of Verkal Ozovar[]
Threatened by the rapid rise of the Oracle Kingdom to the northwest, in ca. 1650 BA Verkal Ozovar swiftly began sharing its knowledge and institutions with the neighboring Kai tribes, offering vassalization in return for modernization. Though initially hesitant, the age-old ties between the Nephrite Dwarves and Kai humans paid its dividends, with neighboring Hinphat and Bokai tribes agreeing to act as buffer states for the hold. This relationship would prove mutually beneficial, with the Verkal Ozovar prospering in relative safety upon the mountain, whilst the Kai tribes loyal to the Mountain King gained an unparalleled edge against their disunited neighbors.
The hold would reach its greatest extent in ca. 1200 BA, subjugating the Phonan tribes south of the desert to serve as a counterbalance to a perceived threat from the slowly uniting Khom states.
Bokai Warlords Period[]
Falling into a state of decadence over the centuries, in ca. 1150 BA the powerful Bokai tribes, once influenced by Verkal Ozovar, declared independence and wage a brutal campaign for freedom. The Ozovarian core of loyalist Hinphats, as well as the several Bokai tribes that refused to revolt, met their enemies with equal brutality for dominance of East Thidinkai.
In 966 BA, the rebellious Bokai would finally find union under a strong chieftain, uniting the tribes and driving off the loyalists, establishing the first human kingdom of Thidinkai, Kudet Kai or "Unkillable Kai".
Continued Decadence[]
Following the successful Bokai campaign for independence, in 843 BA the western Kai began a revolt of their own, forming the first Sikai townships and casting off their dwarven yoke. Utilizing their abundance of natural silver and the followers of Hebat Mahar, the great Sun Spirit, the Sikai quickly rose to prosperity. Despite their revolution, they maintained positive relations with Verkal Ozovar and continued to trade with their dwarven friends.
In a similar fashion, in 719 BA the Phonans would also attempt a revolt, and despite encountering little resistance, failed to unite and remained a shattered collection of individual tribes, nominally independent yet lacking a leader.
Losing the vast majority of their empire, the Nephrite Dwarves began to consolidate their remaining hold on the Kai tribes, retaining the loyalty of the Hinphats that guarded the gates of the mountain, yet little past this. Be it from a position of apathy or nepotism, Verkal Ozovar made no attempts to reclaim their lost territory, instead remaining fairly isolated, save for occasional trade with their remaining loyalists.