The Imperial Academy is a prestigious magical school based in Anbenncóst founded in 1222 by the Magisterium, who was officially founded a year earlier during the Formation of Anbennar. It's sigil is the Dovestar.
Despite being known for its strict discipline, the academy is actually one of most accessible institutions in Cannor, with many students admitted through tuition-free scholarships after passing a rigorous entrance exam. This is largely in contrast fellow Anbenncóst wizarding school: the Silmuna School of the Arts, whose halls are reserved for the richest nobles of Cannor. Due to this the Academy is regarded as one of the major forces in making magical learning accessible to non-nobility, and is also the most common alma mater of Magisters serving The Empire.
Magical Style[]
The Imperial Style derives its namesake from the academy, which well known for focusing on replicating pre-existing spells efficiently as per the Standardization of Magical Spells Act. While sacrificing in creativity and versatility, mages of the imperial academy are notorious for their quick and accurate spellcasting, making them well-suited as warmages in the school of Abjuration and Evocation. As followers of the Imperial Style, academy graduates often use bracers or staves as their spellcasting focus, sacrificing spell-control for power. It is no surprise that staves are the most common spellcasting aide throughout the world, and it is largely attributed to the learnings passed down by graduates of the Imperial Academy.
Notable alumni[]
- Crovan of Vinerick: the Grand Magister in 1444