Kaloyan of Dancer's Alley was a Nathalairey born scholar, philosopher, and author renowned from Cannor to Haless. First becoming famous amongst the minds of Cannor for his three volumes of "A Walk in Shadows" and their revelations and topics of debates concerning Nathalyne. This, which is widely considered his magnum opus, is said to have put more about shadow-magic to paper than had ever existed as a whole before.
Later in life he would become enamored with the culture and lifestyles of Rahen, not only moving there but harimarizing his name into Kaloyan of the Wandering Heart, the name by which is he primarily known by. Here he wrote a dozen tomes on the Harimraj, a local encyclopedia for each of the old Senapti, the famous "Tooth and Turban: The Rise of the Second Harimraj", became a member of the Cinnabar Lotus Debate Society, and even more. Many say if the Halls of Endless Debate have an infinite number of books, then he has read them all. His wedding is still widely considered one of the grandest events in modern Raheni history since the last of the Lotus Court's great fasts, with plentiful articles written on its splendor.