Khozrugan is a formable country available to any country in the orcish culture group that has: adopted Feudalism, achieved Administrative Technology 8 or ceased to follow the Great Dookan religion, is at peace, and has at least ten provinces in the West Castanor region.
Of the three formable, orcish culture nations of the various Castanor regions, Khozrugan has the most extensive mission tree. Missions focus on a continuation of The Greentide with the conquest of all Escann, Gerudia, and Western Cannor.
Shortly after taking the decision to form Khozrugan the "Chief Artug Ostokhan" event will fire giving you the option to replace your ruler with Artug Ostokhan (5/5/6) with a Strong (95) claim at the age of 21, along with his heir Ornog Ostokhan (4/4/5) with a Strong claim. The only alternative choice is to "Fight" with random chance determining the outcome. On a win you keep your ruler, gain 50 Prestige, 1 Stability, 600 Military Power, 50 loyalty with the Monstrous Tribes estate, and your nation gets the "Defeated Pretender" country modifier of +10% Discipline until the death of your current ruler.