The Kingdom of Busilar is a country located in the region of Businor.
The name Busilar (meaning Northern Hill) stems from its varied origins of its colonizers. Its first name was Busirat (meaning Northern City in Kheteratan), which was the name for both the settlement at Port Jaher and the region of Businor as a whole (Businor being a blend of the Kheteratan north 'busi' and the Castanorian for land -or).
The modern name however derives from the Castanorian fort of Busihyl (meaning Northern Hill), which was later converted to Busilar (Lar being Hill in Elven) by the Free League forces during the War of the Sorcerer-King, which is still the name of the central province in Businor to this day.
The earliest incarnation of Busilar was the settlement of Busirat in 1486 BA. It was established by Elikhet, the first Khet and the founder of Kheterata, as a Kheteratan colony. Busirat would also become the name for the entire region, which would be called Businor today.
- Exchanged hands between Damerian Republic and Castanor a bunch, and periods of self-governance
- Maybe move gnoll mention here as they had to deal with Great Xhaz ones
Gnollish Tribes[]
The gnolls have arrived in Businor in three large migrations, each one stemming from stragglers, deserters and survivors from a defeated Xhaz, a demonic crusade of gnolls. The first and second were from the Great Xhaz was after the Battle of Burning Hill in 651 BA and in 634 BA after the Victory of Dostan's Way - while both resulted in defeats of their leaders, many gnolls lingered in the lands of Dostanor and The Borders, with many finding their home to the inhospitable and largely abandoned lands of Businor. The third and largest migration came from the Third Xhaz in 669 when Daravan the Malignant flooded his southern lands creating the Daravan's Folly in order to prevent a gnollish invasion. While some gnolls remained in the newfound swamps, many fled to join their brethren in Businor.
- Very much tumultous time. Some periods of gnoll strength taking over "civilized" human places a la Bulwar, but more often than not gnollish tribes stick to themselves
- Unlike Bulwar, the human tribes are hardy, and theres two big empires (Dameria and Castanor) on their doorstep, so not a lot of chances to rule
- By Dragonwake in 430 its pretty much gnolls. Human tribes and settlements few and far between
War of the Sorcerer King[]
- Main power projection for Castanorians is Busihyl aka Busilar province, which had a fort on it.
- 979-982 Castanor conquers gnollish busilar under Iacob the Betrayer's initiative (he becomes Highlord of the Businor Dominion)
- 995 it was reconquered by gnolls, who actually swore fealty to Iacob and now served him - so gnolls and castanorians during this time
Under the Phoenix Empire[]
During the War of the Sorcerer King, the country was liberated by Jaher and his forces from its Castanorian overlords, eventually becoming a client state under the Phoenix Empire. The country remained a vassal under Jaherian rule until a year after the death of Jaher in 1129, when the sun-elf governor of Busilar declared himself king. The country remained independent until bending the knee to Jaher's daughter, Jexis, in 1141.
Busilari Interregnum[]
With the death of Jexis in 1162, the Jexisian Empire entered a period of chaos. This led to a struggle in Busilar between two parties, namely those who supported Jexis' half-brother, Elizar the Blooded, and those who desired independence. Following Elizar's defeat [in battle? death?], Busilar splintered into various warlords, inaugurating the Busilari Interregnum, which is considered a part of the ongoing Interregnum. The Interregnum began in 1173 and ended in 1224, when the House of Silnara unified the country.
Lilac Wars[]
Busilar was one of the secondary combatants in the Lilac Wars and fought on the Lorentish side due to their alliance with Reán Siloriel, Most of their forces, however, were directed against Eborthíl, which attacked their ports, and against Verne, which sent troops through the Khenak to attack western Busilar. While Busilar was able to defend itself on land, the Battle of Busilari Straits destroyed much of the Busilari fleet (also known as the Lion Armada), leaving the Busilari coast vulnerable to further incursions.
Sarhaly Connections[]
Narawen the Wanderer brought her husband and his people as well as many refugees from what was the Second Fangaula empire in west sarhal to Busilar, settling them in areas depopulated in the war of the sourcerer king. While the West Sarhaly integrated quickly into Busilar culture a few elements of west Sarhal culture remain, such as Oware and Yoté which are games brought by the West Sarhaly people, as well as some West Sarhal Griots bringing elements of West Sarhaly musical traditions and dance to Busilar folk music. Many Fangaula words and phrases entered into the Busilari lexicon, (Lion hearted for describing a brave person) as well as some Ndurubu folk tales, like the superstition that people who die fighting bravely are reborn as lions. While it was hard for the Ndurubu people to transition from a nomadic raiding culture to a settled pastoral society they found some of their oldest enemies in their new lands: Gnolls. The hatred and experience that the Ndurubu people had fighting Gnolls may have helped accelerate the decline of the Hill Gnolls of Busilar. One thing that they did not bring with them from Fangaula was the gift of the Planetouched, with no Planetouched being born in Busilar despite many people of Fangaula decent. The only recorded Planetouched in Busilar was Sidwaya the Bold, who was the husband of Narawen and originally born in the Fangaula savanna.
The first form of Busilar, Busirat a Kheteratan colony is founded 1486 BA
Lorbet constructed 1196 BA, after Busirat refugees flee due to Deep Devils razing Busirat
First gnolls arrive in the region after Xhazobine is defeated at Battle of Burning Hill 651 BA. More after Victory at Dostan's Way 634 BA
Dragonwake pushes humans south who invade the gnollish busilar 474
Gnolls from folly invade busilar 671
474 - Crodamics enter Businor
475 - Draconic Xhaz formally starts after being hysteria'd by crodamics
477 - Crodamics leave Businor
480 - Draconic Xhaz formally ends
Castanor conquers Gnollish Busilar 982 "The Gnoll Clans of Busilar were a thorn on the side of Wex and Dameria for many years but it took Castanor, the gnoll's greatest enemy, to wipe them out. Lots of Free Realms people were pleased with this actually, and some even supported them. This was Iacob the Betrayer's initiative"
Jaher liberates Busilar from Castanor, creating Busilari Protectorate 1008
Busilar declares independence with Jaher dead 1129
Jexis forces Busilar to submit 1141
Jexis invaded chaos ensues 1162
Busilar interregnum 1173-1224
Silnara, rich merchants become king 1224