The Kingdom of Castellyr was a nation in Escann, the largest of the Castanorian successor states.
Early history[]
After the War of the Sorcerer-King in the 11th century, Castanor split into numerous remnants. Two of these, the Kingdom of Cast and Kingdom of Anor, eventually peacefully unified with each other to form the Kingdom of Castellyr.
Castellyr eventually became the largest and most powerful nation in Escann. It considered itself the true successor of Castanor due to its ruling families having been nobles of the old empire. It also enjoyed a special collaborative relationship with the patricians of Castonath, in which it made its capital.
When Korgus Dookanson led the orcs of the Greentide to attack Escann, Castellyr was one of the targets. The kingdom was swiftly defeated and the government disintegrated. Some Castellyrian nobles, however, managed to survive and reorganized themselves into the Count's League, fighting alongside adventurers and attempting to reclaim their home.