Anbennar Wiki

The Kingdom of Corvuria is an isolated kingdom in Dostanor that lies north of Daravan's Folly. Once a great and rich kingdom in ages past, the kingdom is now seen as a backwater with relatively little wealth.


Korbarid Founding

Main article: Korbarid Kingdom

Corvuria's predecessor, the Korbarid Kingdom, was founded in 470 during the first year of the Dragonwake by the mysterious Raven King. The Raven King and his peoples migrated out of the Deepwoods into Dostanor and occupied the recently abandoned citadel of Bal Dostan, and restore order to the region whilst the local Castanorian government fled westwards.

Shortly during its founding, the [unfinished]

War of the Sorcerer-King

Aldresian Crusade

Was given to the crusader Lucian síl Vivin for his heroisms.

As a Jaherian Protectorate

Under Lucian the Protector the nearly-ruined kingdom began to recover.

Short-lived Wars of Independence

Under Elf-King Nesterin

New Protectorate after Jexis reconquers it in 1142, the elf Nesterin the Foul rules.

Return of the House of síl Vivin

Restoration of the Kingdom

Nesterin dies choking on his own blood and the sil Vivins return during the Jexisian Civil War
