Anbennar Wiki


Before Eborthíl[]

Before the Kingdom of Eborthíl, the isles of Tef were ruled by the Reaver Kingdom of Tef, a realm ruled by the Dalric Taefdares dynasty originating from the second son of Henrik Divenscourge, Halfdal the Hoarder.

Before the reaver conquest, the island of Tef was ruled by the Tef Republic, a rump state of the old Damerian Republic. The isle was originally a Kheteratan colony, like Busilar.

Kingdom of Eborthíl[]

Union with Deshak[]

In 1430 the gnolls of Viakkoc and Brrtekuh led another offensive against the Kingdom of Deshak. With the royal family obliterated in the wars, the remaining nobles invited King Delian II Silebor of Eborthíl to rule, and save the country.
