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The Kingdom of Núrcestir was a country in Escann. It reached its peak during the Age of Witch-Kings, when, under Camir Silmuna, it ruled over the majority of Cannor. It was founded by the Pioneer's Guild, an adventurer band, after The Greentide.


Núrcestir means New Camp (or Town) in Elven. Its name derives from the New Towns Initiative, an adventurer-led reform during the late Greentide, which encouraged adventurers and pioneers to settle and built new towns in Escann.


Núrcestir suffered numerous early defeats.

The Núrcestiran state enacted a law declaring that no loyal subject of the nation would be prosecuted for their beliefs.

In the 1670s, Núrcestir renovated the Imperial Palace of Castonath and made it the seat of government. Eventually, the vastly influential royal household moved in and opened its doors to any courtier and noble willing to enjoy the grace of the crown. This allowed the central government to consolidate its control over the country while distracting the nobility with splendid balls and parlour games.

Núrcestiran Rite[]

A major contributor to Núrcestir's success was the Núrcestiran Rite, which was a radical departure from the traditional style utilized by the Magisterium.


Instead of occupying a support role within the army, the artillery played a major role in Núrcestiran doctrine, with a particular emphasis on agility and maneuverability. This may be traced to the innovations of Croga Wheelsmith.
