Korgus Dookanson was the alleged son of the orcish god Dookan and main figure responsible for the Greentide along with Korgus' Ten. He was also the founder of the Great Dookan faith, which renewed zeal and fervour amongst the orcish people, uniting the orcish clans of the Serpentspine under his banner. Korgus is said to have aspired to the conquest of Escann and Cannor as a whole, as well as believing that repeated victory in battle would bring about Dookan's awakening.
Korgus had the sigil of "A muscular aging orc with his fists bound and chained, adorned in ritualistic battle scars", preferring to use his bare fists as weapons as opposed to any traditional weapon.
Korgus would meet his end in the 11th of Nerament during the Battle of Castonath against Corin, who was the avatar of the disgraced Cannorian god of war Agrados.