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Madriamilak, meaning Amilak’s land in common, is a large land mass encompassing much of East Sarhal. The region borders the Gulf of Rahen to its north, gnollish savannahs to its north west, the Shadow Swamp to its west, the lands of the Dakinshi and Tanizu to its south, and the Ringlet Sea to its east.



Traditionally Madriamilak is divided into three subregions:

Yetefesefi, a fertile region in eastern Madriamilak centered upon the Yet River valley and its fertile banks. Near the coast a thick jungle emerges, a consequence of the large amount of rain that typically falls upon the eastern coastline. Where the Yet River meets the sea is the city of Yetmesira, one of the largest ports in Madriamilak. Found within Yetefesefi is the Senidmot Crater, a dangerous area full of damestear and magic radiation, which is partially below sea level.

Telekenid, a region characterized by the high elevation of its terrain. Its mountains stretch into the ocean, which has led to the area being known as the “Horn of Sarhal”. Near the coast one finds the Keygas estuary and the city of Dakmender, considered to be the jewel of Madriamilak.

Denibari, a large region that comprises the western frontier of Madriamilak. The land here is diverse, the region’s only defining attribute being that it is relatively near the Shadow Swamp, and is thus constantly targeted by trollish raids. In the south, one finds two great lakes, along with masses of marshlands. Surrounding these lakes are jungles that gives way to savannah in the north.


Madriamilak is characterized by the presence of two great river systems: the Yet and the Keygas rivers and their tributaries. Farmlands are found along the length of these river systems, upon which the earliest Mengi cities and societies emerged. To this day civilization in Madriamilak remains centered upon these river systems, as they are vital for trade and communication.


Madriamilak’s limits are very clearly defined due to the nature of its geography. To the north it is separated from the Salahad and the gnollish savannahs by the Keygas river, which serves as a hard boundary and a frontier zone. To the south, the Pakreda Sedara mountains define Madriamilak’s southern border. Near the southern marshlands, tributaries of the Yet River form the border, to the south of which lies the Tanizu. And to the west the Shadow Swamp is found, separating Madriamilak from Khetapera.


Madriamilak is home to the human Mengi peoples, who make up a majority of the region’s population. The Mengi are split into five cultures:

  • The Yeteferen, who live along the Yet River.
  • The Metobesebi, who live on the highlands of Telekenid.
  • The Sitewosi, who live in the southern marshlands and jungles.
  • The Talilibeti, who live along the jungles and marshes near the Shadow Swamp.
  • The Ofehibi, who live in the northern Denibari savannahs and the northern coastline of Madriamilak.


Along with the Mengi, there are sizable minorities of other groups that have come to the region over time.

The Naléni Harpies of Telekenid, descendants of harpies that fled the collapse of Siadanlén. They settled along the heights of Telekenid, assimilating into Mengi cultures and syncretizing their faith with the Sky Domain.

In northern Denibari and in the cities of Yetefesefi, one can find large minorities of Fieldstalker gnolls. They have interacted with the Mengi for thousands of years, and almost all follow the Kvangahga faith, syncretizing it with the Sky Domain. As a result they are very well integrated into Mengi society.

Along the coastlines and in major Mengi cities, one can find a sizable but growing population of Harimari, a consequence of Raheni traders and immigration over centuries. When the Kingdom of Meretgeban chose an exiled Harimari dynasty from Rabaghekur to be their new king, the new royals brought more Harimari from their homeland to immigrate to Meretgeban. By the 1700s, Meretgeban hosted the largest Harimari population in Madriamilak.

Along the southern edges, small minority populations of Tanizu and Dakinshi humans can be found. The largest of these populations can be found in the lands of Ibekisedara, where Dakinshi exiles and refugees crossed through the Fettigeban Pass, and formed the Life-Watching-Eagle tribe.


The Mengi faith, known as the Sky Domain, is completely dominant within Madriamilak, practiced by the vast majority of its population. Even minority populations syncretize their belief systems with that of the Sky Domain.

In small groups across the region, Shadowpact cultists can be found in hiding, who worship the powerful beings of the Shadow Plane. They are heavily persecuted, often killed on sight.
