The Marquisate of Wesdam rules over the northern portion of the West Dameshead, bridging the gap between Lorent and the Damesear. The marquisate was originally held by the extinct House of Wesdam, which was inherited by Emperor Marion II Silmuna who then gave it to his second son, Laurens of Wesdam in 1336.
Currently the marquisate is ruled by Reánna II síl Madelaire, the Duchess of Madelaire, on behalf of her young son Laurens III.
The Duchy of Wesdam was created from old de jure Carnetori Kingdom lands by the Dameris king of Dameria after the secession of Dameria from Carneter, previously united under the Kingdom of Carneter-Dameria ruled by the House of Rubentis, of which the House of Dameris was a cadet branch of.
Lilac Wars
Despite fighting alongside their Silmuna kin, the Grand Dukes of Dameria, for the majority of the Lilac Wars, Wesdam was known for its betrayal of their elder cousins during the Battle of the Moon Council in which Wesdam joined with Wex and other Imperial Defectors in conspiring and betraying the House of Silmuna.
Many historians claim this was due to the growing animosity and divide between the main branch and the Wesdam branch, as the Grand Dukes treated Wesdam as like other subjects instead of kin, as well as the growing relations between the Wesdam branch and their Lorentish neighbours both in diplomacy and blood - with this it is no surprise that Wesdam eventually chose closer family bonds than ancestral ones, as Marion I Silmuna-Wesdam, the marquis who conspired against Dameria, was actually the great-uncle of the Lorentish King Kylian VI Siloriel, making the current heir of Wesdam, Laurens III Silmuna-Wesdam, cousin of the Kylian VI.