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The Ogre Valley’s name is quite literal, it is a valley that has traditionally been solely inhabited by ogres. In their native tongue, it is known as Shevkhebir, meaning “Great Valley.”


See Maghargma Timeline (TODO)


The Ogre Valley is flanked to its west by the Serpentspine Moutains, and to the east by a much smaller range of hills. To the south of the region lies the Spiderreach Mountains, creating a rather isolated and defensible pocket of the Forbidden Plains.

The Velak river originates within the valley, and flows directly through its center, bringing fertility and a medium for outside trade to the region.


Most of the Ogre Valley’s economic capacity is committed to the intensive agriculture needed to support its large Ogre population. It is additionally a major supplier of iron and other metals to the rest of the Forbidden Plains. Pre-industrial Ogrish society heavily utilized slavery, but slavery on a large scale fell out of use as the Valley industrialized. Ogrish customs of congregating in kelaktars contributed to an abnormally high urbanization rate, which made the region ripe for industrialization.


The population of the Valley is overwhelmingly Fathide Ogre, and has been for millennia. A sizable minority of Mossmouth Ogres exists within the region as well, having migrated from the Serpent’s Vale en masse. The newest community within the region is comprised of goblin refugees from the Spiderwretch tunnels, and the Serpentspine at large, and make up roughly a quarter of the population. Unfortunately, the goblin population of Maghargma have a history of being held in debt-slavery or otherwise subjected to deleterious labor conditions throughout the Kingdom.
