Orcs have been known about for centuries, first recorded in human history from skirmishes and fights with early Castanor and through texts shared by the dwarven holds of the Serpentspine Mountains. However, orcs have achieved relatively little notoriety to the surface world, due to their fixed attention on dwarvenkind. This predicament changed in 1421 when the Greentide struck, taking the surface realms of Cannor off-guard and causing mass destruction in Escann. A naturally savage species, dwarves have held a grudge against their kind since time immemorial, but now, it seems humanity must share the burden of the Greentide.
Orcs are tough, hardy and more uniquely: slowly take the colors of their environments in a sort of natural camouflage. Mountain orcs are known to be pale and grey-skinned while the orcs of the Greentide are, well: green.
Skin Colour Change[]
Before the death of Korgus Dookanson the orcish race had the ability for their skin to adapt to new environments in a few short days - allowing them to camoflague better in their surrounds. A group of orcs who leave for the surface and end up in desert would eventually go from the black skin of the underground orcs to a sandy brown befitting the desert climes.
It is said that the orcs gained this ability from their goblin cousins, which modern-day scholars theorize came about from Ducaniel's experimentations to allegedly create the orcish race using goblins, elves, and some ogres. When Korgus died, orcs across the world lost this ability, even those unaffiliated with Korgus himself such as those brown orcs in Haless. The goblins however have kept this ability, though their original strain required generations upon generations of living in a new environment, rather than the orcish variant which was quickened significantly.
For much of recorded history orcs have been regarded as the eternal enemies of dwarvenkind, attributing the long and slow decline of the ancient Dwarven Empire to the rise of orcdom.
Orcs were an extremely uncommon sight outside the Serpentspine Mountains, with only a few major raiding parties in Escann throughout history. It was only with the Greentide in 1424 when the surface world would face a true orcish threat, which subsequently brought Chivalric Escann to destruction.
Society & Culture[]
Strength above all[]
Orcs traditionally value martial activities above all, ranging from combat to activities that support warfare such as blacksmiths and foragers. It is clear, however, that the warrior caste of the orcs are at the top of orcish hierarchy, but other than that, orcish hierarchy is very fluid, with even a slave being able to become chieftain through a show of strength or a Ozarm’Chadash (‘duel for honor’). This even extends to gender roles; orcs do not care about gender regarding one's role in society's hierarchy or rulership. In the end, strength is what matters.
Due to their respect for strength, many orcs can be seen following non-orcish leaders, such as powerful warlords or mages - perhaps not out of loyalty or love, but out of fear and obedience: if anything, it is the orcish people's overwhelming respect of strength that can keep them in line. On the other hand, non-orcs can sometimes be seen within orcish tribes and clans, especially since the decline of the orcish clans in the 17th century, as any individual strong enough to earn a place in the tribe is welcome and is said to have an orcish soul.
Honor, and adversity against Trickery[]
Contrary to popular belief the orcish people are a people of honor, or at the least, honor to their own code of ethics. In general, they are known to abhor trickery and deceit (as their racial deity, the Great Dookan, was deceived and imprisoned by the other gods) and generally avoid actions such as slaying of non-combatants, assassinations or intrigue.
Depending on the orc's interpretation of this tradition, moral compass, or subservience to a certain leader's ethos, the slaying of non-combatants can and have resulted in widely different outcomes. Some stories in the Greentide talk of orcs showing mercy to even the most reviled orc-hunting adventurer for simply throwing down their weapon, whilst other accounts talk of more severe circumstances, like a subjugated town being razed by affiliation due to the actions of rogue guardsmen.
Ambushes and other under-handed military tactics are tolerated, but regarded as a necessary evil and only utilized against willing or identified combatants such as soldiers.
Oddly enough, theft in form of pillaging does not constitute as trickery, as it is seen simply as the strong taking what is rightfully theirs. This broad idea extends beyond material possessions, such as titles, mates and territory. Thievery through guile and trickery, on the other hand, is frowned upon greatly, and, if anything, were left to the goblins that were subservient to the clans.
Wealth and Materials Goods[]
Strength is such an important matter that it affects ownership in orcish society. As a common saying goes "An orc owns only what he can fight for" and it is not uncommon for orcs to challenge each other for holdings, luxury goods or even partners.
Orcish clans survived on a subsistence living and were not very capable of creating their owns works, such as settlements or weapons. Most orcish goods were taken from other civilizations or reforged from ruins and scraps. Overall, orcs did not care for luxury goods but instead preferred practical and battle-ready items.
The right to loot enemies is dictated by whomever killed them, with the one dealing killing blow getting the first pick. Overall, looting of the equipment and belongings of those who fall in battle is encouraged, as leaving them there is considered a waste.
Historically orcs kept bone trophies of their defeated foes on them, and for their early history even used bones as currency (before adopting dwarven coinage).
Views on Magic[]
Orcs view most types of magic as a form of trickery, as it was magic that helped to imprison their god (though this attitude depended on time, place, and the particular clan). Shamanistic spirit magic is accepted as it is seen as divine gift from Dookan, though rightly feared.
Warfare and Death[]
War is a natural way of life for orcs, with some shamans even saying they have an innate desire for it derived from their creator, the Great Dookan, who wishes for the death or enslavement of all other gods for the wrongs inflicted upon him.
In war, orcs will fight to the very last and rarely ever flee (which they often view as being dishonorable). The bodies of orcs are often left to rot where they fell in battle, as battlegrounds are considered somewhat sacred. Those who die outside of battle are considered cowards, and as such their bodies are desecrated in a variety of ways, including being fed to pigs.
Due to their conflict-driven nature, scars are seen as a badge of honor for an orc and are often expanded upon to create ritualistic scars across an orc's skin.