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Oubblig was a forest goblin warlock and clanboss who unified a large part of the southern Deepwoods goblin clans, founding Clan Oubbligsband. He was also instrumental in helping Corin defeat the Eldest, breaking the Verdant Veil.

Chroniclers note: This article features time travel, and as such the timeline listed below will not be chronological, but from the perspective of Oubblig himself.[1]

Early Life[]

Birth and Pact[]

Much of Oubblig's early life has been lost to time. He was born sometime in the early 1400s AA into Clan Brambleskinner. Sometime in 1430 AA he managed to negotiate a pact with a powerful Archfey known as the Prince of Fools, secretly breaking the customs of his clan. His patron granted him powerful magic and occasional boons, in return he had to keep his involvement a secret.

Deepwoods Conquests[]

Having gained immense power, Oubblig did not waste any time and started raiding and conquering nearby minor goblin clans, as well as wood elf enclaves. These quick and sudden victories earned him fame and he started to gain followers. By 1433 AA he had managed to seize a part of the Verdant Link from Salla Cenág, almost the entire Bone Grove as well as subjugating his former clanboss of Clan Brambleskinner. That same year Oubblig consolidated his newly conquered territory and declared himself clanboss of Clan Oubbligsband, initiating raids against the nearby wood elves of Salla Cenág and Salla Drennen shortly afterwards in 1434 AA.

Fall of the Verdant Veil[]

Defeat and Capture[]

Leading his army through the Gladeway, his patron used the magical properties of the Gladeways to transport Oubblig and his army forwards in time by six years, to 1440 AA. The exact reason for this remains unknown, but the most accepted theory states that it was Oubblig's arrogance and over-reliance on use of force and violence instead of guile and cleverness, that offended the Prince of Fools. They quickly came across the army of the orc clan Cursed Howl. With both sides looking for a fight, the two armies immediately began hostilities. However, before the two armies could clash, the Oubbligsband army suddenly vanished from thin air leaving only Oubblig behind. He was promptly captured by the orcs and kept as a slave for a year, during which he was unable to contact or draw power from his patron.[2]


His constant escape attempts and theatrics started to amuse the Cursed Howl chief Gordak and the two struck up a friendship. This mutual respect soon led to Gordak releasing Oubblig from his captivity in late 1440 AA. Oubblig, without the support of his clan, opted to stay with his new friend for the time being. During the orcish wars and conquests against both goblin and elves, Oubblig discovers that the orcs are being manipulated by an archfey patron of their own, The Prince of the Blackened Branch as well as the Ashentree Fey, and would be a considerable future threat to both his people and his clan. In 1443, Oubblig left Cursed Howl in search of his own clan, to find a way to defeat the orcs. He discovered that his entire clan had been destroyed and scattered during the six years he's been absent, that his name was being used as a curse and finally that he had been dead for several years. Desperate for any way of defeating the orcs, he turned to his former enemies of the wood elves.

Meeting Corin[]

Oubblig suspected that he wouldn't be trusted due to his race, and used magic to disguise himself as a wood elf. Just before Oubblig arrived at Salla Drennen, Queen Narawen Drennen had called the Conclave of Elynáile to discuss the recent orc and goblin attacks. Many elves were arriving and leaving allowing Oubblig to sneak in undetected. The Conclave was interrupted by the arrival of Corin and her party asking for assistance against the Greentide in Escann, and Oubblig decided to join forces with them as their goals aligned. He revealed his true form once they had left Salla Drennen. As he had suspected earlier, his new companions didn't trust him until Corin convinced them he was to be trusted.

Facing the Eldest and Returning to the Past[]

The party planned on lifting the Verdant Veil so Corin could get wood elf reinforcements for Escann, while Oubblig wanted a way to defeat the orcs. The Verdant Veil was maintained by a powerful Archfey called The Eldest, and the only way to break it would be to kill him. Oubblig led the party through the Feyrealm, until they faced the Eldest in battle. There Oubblig saw his own decaying corpse, and the wounds he had managed to deal the Eldest before presumably succumbing. The group defeated the Eldest, in part thanks to to wound Oubblig dealt they arrived. As the Eldest was killed, he released a powerful magical surge, which Oubblig used to transport himself and his previous army back to the past, in 1434 AA. In doing so, he revealed his pact with an archfey and was quickly shunned by his clan. Before he could start his plans for saving his clan, he was almost killed in an assassination attempt.

Death and Legacy[]

Mortally wounded, and aware of the future that had to happen, Oubblig went into the Feyrealm to attack the Eldest on his own, wounding the Archfey before succumbing to his wounds. Those wounds weakened the Verdant Veil for a short period, allowing his clan to escape the Deepwoods. As Oubbligs sacrifice became apparent to his former clan and they understood what had transpired, they named themselves to Clan Oubbligschild to honor him. Oubblig's sacrifice also allowed Corin and her party to leave the Deepwoods with Wood Elf reinforcements, which were crucial for Corins final victory against Korgus Dookanson.[1]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Armyn Stynài et Selusa Faemoon (1900). On Time Travel
  2. Colk Praz (1774). Oubblig: Traitor, Tyrant, and Time Traveller