The Primeval Serpentdepths are a vast cave network, far deeper underground than the caves ordinarily found in the Serpentspine Mountains. It is assumed to be the origin of Halanna's Breath. It is thoroughly unexplored, and the full extent of its sprawling caves has never been catalogued. From what few sources there are, it is said to be a wild place with untamed, alien flora and strange creatures roaming its passages. Rumours claimed that the long lost Obsidian Dwarves had established a vast empire in the unforgiving environment. Claims that were finally confirmed with their invasion of the surface world through the Hold of Verkal Skomdihr. The Serpentdepths have been found to be primarily underneath the Serpentspine as well as some surrounding areas.
Geography and Megafauna[]
Connections to the Dwarovar[]
There are multiple magma flows that move towards the surface, such as to Gor Bûrad, and there are many places where Halanna’s Breath moves from the depths to the Dwarovar through microscopic cracks in the rock. If there are any access routes that are large enough to move through they are unknown to all, however such places which may contain passages to the Serpentdepths have always been sought, and never found.
Magma Flows[]
The magma of the mantle flows in relatively predictable ways, forming rivers, lakes and oceans that often intersect with the caves of the Primeval Serpentdepths. Sometimes, as the pressure from the mantle changes, magma flows may change, which may force the inhabitants of the depths to rapidly dig bypasses to ensure their homes are not engulfed in magma.
Mantle Whales[]
There are several types of megafauna that live in the magma, but the most relevant ones are the mantle whales. These massive creatures travel through the magma flows as they feed, until they travel back into the mantle to procreate.
Mantle Serpents[]
Large, serpentine megafauna sit at the apex of the primeval food chain, being the apex predator of the mantle ecology. These large, draconic-like worms burrow through the mantle in search of prey- primarily Mantle Whales and other similar creatures. Ecologies unto themselves, these creatures hunt alone and die alone, mating only three times in their lifetime in a cataclysmic display of power and violence. As they age into the end of their incredibly venerable lifespans, they begin to lose the strength to move through the chaotic mantle floes, and so begin burrowing toward the surface as they weaken, before expiring in tombs of their own creation.
These large examples of subterranean megafauna are in fact, for the most part, a natural part of the primeval food chain, acting as “terrestrial” pack scavengers, dwelling on the shores of magma seas, searching for rotting mantle whale or serpent carcasses. These large creatures take the decomposing material and further break it down, whilst also infusing themselves somehow with the magical energy, reinforcing their hides and scales and making themselves practically indestructible. Occasionally specimens will fall into magma, which triggers a hibernation state. They are usually washed up on the side of a magma stream within the Serpentdepths. When that happens, they awaken from their hibernation in a rage, and will go on a devastating rampage devouring everything they can.
Halanna’s Breath[]
Halanna’s Breath is the lifeblood of both the Primeval Serpentdepths and the Dwarovar, fueling the growth of Serpentbloom. It is a gas that is released from the decaying bodies of mantle whales and similar megafauna like Mantle Serpents if they are not in contact with magma.
Magma Flowers[]
Among the magma streams of the Primeval Serpentdepths, a strange phenomenon has been observed: A substance that looks like magma, appears to flow like magma, but does not burn like magma. This substance, dubbed magma flowers due to the elegant, flower-like shapes it takes when pulled out of the streams, is cool to the touch, and appears to be alive.
Sometimes, small pieces of magma flower can be found simply adrift in the magma streams, only found because a stream is drained to clear a cavern or power a forge. Alone, on the floor of the cavern, one could find the dry magma flowers, decorating the dry lakebed with their distinctive shapes.
Due to their low weight and resistance to heat, Minotaurs and Deep Goblins refine magma flowers to make a material called ‘kayt’, which they use to build ships that can travel the magma flows. Kayt will, however, when in contact with magma, slowly revert to its original form, and these ships therefore degrade quickly. They are always lifted from the magma right after they have finished a voyage, after which they are cleaned, and a new layer of kayt is applied.
Throughout the history of Aul-Dwarov, no dwarf had ever found themselves in the Primeval Serpentdepths, even when exploring too deep into the roots of the Serpentspine. The first and only ones to ever make it deep enough were the Obsidian Dwarves.
Obsidian Empire[]
When the Obsidian Dwarves were banished for using illegal rune magic shortly before the fall of Aul-Dwarov, they formed an empire below the Dwarovar. The Obsidian Empire is extensive, comprising seven holds along the magma flows of the Primeval Serpentspine.
Distantly related to other fungal folk in the Dwarovar, Kantharos are a race of sentient fungus who live on the edges of magma flows in the Primeval Serpentspine. Their appearance is humanoid, with heads shaped like wide cups.
The Whaler Nomads[]
The Whaler Nomads hunt mantle whales, trapping them when they are in shallow magma. If they succeed in killing one, they take control of its nervous system, and pilot it as a living ship. On these voyages, they build small towns grown from fungus cultivars on the whales, as they slowly eat its insides and spread their spores through the caverns they pass by.
The Cavern Colonies[]
Created by passing Whaler Nomads, Kantharos cavern colonies act as mining outposts for the whalers, gathering stone, metal and diamonds which they trade for food whenever a whale-ship comes by. On the whale-ships, these would be worked into tools, weapons, jewellery, and more.
Deep Goblins[]
The Deep Goblins are thin, pale, and even smaller than their Dwarovar and overworld cousins. Most of them used to live in the old Deepcities, but the majority of these were destroyed in the aftermath of the arrival of the dwarves. Several remain, either vassal or slave states to the Obsidian Empire, or otherwise were far enough from the arrival point of the Obsidian Dwarves to avoid invasion. Unlike in the Dwarovar, they are not found in every cavern in the depths, but instead are mostly found in the sprawling Deepcities or the ruins thereof, where there are enough resources and water for them to survive.
According to minotaur mythology, their god and ancestor Siramod fell over his children as he died, shielding them from the arrows that killed him. As he died, he turned to stone, becoming the mountains, burying as many of his children as he could. His blood turned to fire, forming the great magma flows of the Primeval Serpentdepths, and providing the heat the minotaur race would need to survive in the depths.
Labyrinthian Citadels[]
In order to protect themselves from goblin raids, most minotaurs live in strongly fortified citadels built around streams of water for their mushroom farms. The access routes to these citadels are complex mazes, located entirely below the citadel. Any trespassers can be seen from above, and can be pelted with arrows and boiling water the entire time that they are attempting to find their way through the maze. Although they are physically very powerful, they are relatively low in number, meaning that most citadel inhabitants remain in their citadel to keep safe from the outside. This isolation is only occasionally broken in order to trade with passing Kantharos whalers.
Maze Cities[]
An evolution of a Labyrinthian Citadel, Minotaur Maze-Cities are rare in the Primeval Serpentdepths, requiring both a nutritional and population abundance that cannot be resolved by simple exile or the founding of a colony. The cities themselves take up maze-like qualities, further adding to the already formidable defences of the Minotaur’s settlement. These cities become trading points for Kantharos whalers to resupply and rest, and are marginally more open to the Kantharos, and the largest and most “open” even allow the Kantharos to establish small enclaves. The Kantharos in these enclaves act as trading intermediaries between them and outsider traders, as most minotaurs prefer not to deal with outsiders they do not know. Better to deal with a fungus you know than a fungus you don’t, and if the fungus you know swindles you, you know where he lives. Additionally, some maze cities will occasionally organise raids, in order to plunder trade routes or clear out nearby goblin clans before they grow powerful enough to pose a threat.
The Fire-Blooded[]
Pyromancy, the art of pulling fire straight from the Plane of Fire, is common among the minotaurs of the Primeval Serpentdepths. Though the sedentary minotaurs consider it dangerous, and have strict rules for its use, some have embraced pyromancy to the very greatest extent, linking their very souls to the plane of fire. These minotaurs are known as the Fire-Blooded, as the flames can be seen in their veins through their skin. They are not sedentary, choosing to travel the magma streams solitarily or in small groups, pursuing power and immortality through fire.
The Primeval Serpentdepths has several places where the border between the Material Plane and the Infernal Plane is thin, which has led to several devils and demons moving into the Serpentdepths, be it intentionally or by accident.
The Court of Exiles[]
The Court of Exiles has existed in the Serpentdepths for as long as records go back, though its location and courtiers change all the time. It is mostly home to prominent devils for whom staying in the Infernal Plane is at that time unsafe or inconvenient, though they often bring along their retinues of lesser devils and demons. The court is led by the Hostess Queen, a secretive figure who keeps the peace between the exiled courtiers and decides when and where to move the court. It is unclear whether the Hostess Queen is a title that has been passed down, or a single devil who has led the court for millennia.
The denizens of the Court of Exiles have frequent contact with the goblins of the Deepcities, as the devils take great pleasure in playing games against one another through pitting clans they patronise against one another. Since the arrival of the Obsidian Empire, however, the existence of the Court of Exiles has become more precarious, as the Obsidian Dwarves consider them a threat to their dominance over the region, and have made several attempts to pin the court down to destroy it.
The Mindless Hordes[]
The Infernal Plane is not a place that is good for one’s mental health, as devils regularly employ anything from fear and torture to mind control and more to bind demons and other devils to themselves. It is not uncommon for the minds of their victims to become so broken that they are no more use to their masters, while remaining slightly too dangerous to simply kill. These unfortunates are dumped in the Serpentdepths, where they can be safely forgotten about without risking them running into and upsetting another devil, who might retaliate. This has led to the formation of the Mindless Hordes, rampaging groups of devils and demons which seek each other out in order to launch attacks on whatever living things they find, be it Kantharos outposts, Zirakants, Minotaur citadels, or even Deepcities or Obsidian Holds.
The Roving Arzakathn[]
Most elementals that seep through from the Planes of Fire and Earth in the Serpentdepths are small, or otherwise inconsequential beings- no different than those summoned by mortal mages. In places that the barrier between one of the planes is thin, larger, and more intelligent varieties seep through. Then, there are those rare few that defy and spit in the face of mortal classifications
The Arzakathn is one of these, a titanic elemental being that fits neither classification of Earth or Fire Elemental and exists as, essentially, a sentient mobile volcano that drifts lazily along the magma seas beneath the earth. Its garb consists of a city of living crystals and its blood flows in magma canals across its surface. Its inhabitants are its children, a race of lizard-like magma-fleshed creatures called Zakath’n who encase themselves in armour of black metal. They themselves are relatively cordial, bargaining and bartering with any who find their way to their father’s shores, so long as they abide by three rules.
First, no ship may remain moored for more than 3 “breaths” of Arzakathn, which are cyclical eruptions that occur roughly once a day. The second is that all deals must be sealed in blood. Considering that the “blood” of the Zakath’n is scorching hot even for the most elderly of them, most mortals engaging with trade will arrange favours with a local to act as their representative. The third and final rule is that no outsider may enter the upper reaches of Arzakathn’s being, for reasons they refuse to divulge.
Places of Interest[]
Hargûn Ruzazir[]
Centred around the Throne of the Runefather himself, Hargûn Ruzazir is a hold unto itself. The Runefather’s palace is in the capital of their empire, yet apart. Surrounded by a moat of magma, it is a fortress within a fortress, a hold within a hold. Here, the most powerful and dangerous rule, heeding the commanding whispers of the Runefather himself upon his dark obsidian throne. Weakness is not tolerated, and not even slaves may grace the halls of the Runefather’s home.
Mycos Tharosis[]
Long ago, a group of Kantharos took over a Mantle Serpent, and built the mighty city of Mycos Tharosis within it. It is not attacked by any megafauna as it travels the magma flows, as mantle serpents do not have natural predators. Unlike the whaler settlements built inside mantle whales, Mycos Tharosis is built to last, and has existed for many centuries. As such, it acts as a mobile trade hub for all Kantharos.
The Deepcities[]
Before the arrival of the Obsidian Empire, the Deepcities of the goblins were the largest metropoles in the depths. These cities were rivals of one another, but they rarely were in open conflict, as the ruling clans of every Deepcity had enough trouble keeping control over their own city. When the Obsidian Dwarves arrived, some of the Deepcities attempted to ally with them against their rivals, paying them to attack the other cities. But with the unleashing of their terrifying blood rune magic and the destruction of the first Deepcity, the Deep Goblins began to realise just how dangerous the new arrivals were. They stepped over their rivalries, and attempted to band together against the Obsidian Empire. But despite their size, the Deepcities did not have the mobility of Mycos Tharosis or the fortifications of the Minotaur citadels. Within two centuries, the Obsidian Empire had destroyed most of them. Now, these lie in ruins, inhabited mostly by roaming bands of goblin scavengers.
Gateways of Nixzar[]
Nixzar was one of the many Deepcities of the goblins, and attempted to ally itself with the Obsidian Empire in its early days. However, while they did help them destroy several of the other Deepcities, this alliance was a ruse, intended to give them an opportunity to steal the secrets of blood magic for themselves. They succeeded in part, obtaining the ability to create portals with blood runes. The council had an array of magical gateways built deep below the city, meant to circumvent the magma flows and reach far-off places in the Serpentdepths, and even beyond. The ability to move their forces around at will combined with the comparative remoteness of Nixzar kept the Deepcity safe from the Obsidian Empire for millennia. But around the year 1700, their luck ran out, and Obsidian forces breached the outer defences of Nixzar. When this happened, the denizens of Nixzar wanted to flee using the portals, but the ruling clans forbade it, stating that an evacuation would be the guaranteed end of Nixzar. They were promptly deposed and killed, and their blood was used to fuel one last teleportation, evacuating all gathered Deep Goblins to an unknown place, as the would-be refugees did not know how to set the destination of the gateways. They, and a portion of the Deepcity, arrived in the Middle Dwarovar. Back in the depths, this caused the tunnels of Nixzar to collapse, and most of the Deepcity was destroyed.
The Sealed Cities[]
As the other Deepcities fell in quick succession to the Obsidian Dwarves, the rulers of Zlaztyn, Orzhar, and Vaivr acted quickly to avoid their cities suffering the same fate. They caused a massive cavern collapse, redirecting a magma flow to cut them off entirely from the rest of the Primeval Serpentdepths. The Obsidian Empire has made several attempts to reach them by moving straight through the magma, organising large invasions with magma barges. Without success, as these were consistently sunk from a distance by means of a combination of magical and non-magical artillery.
Varian Siram[]
Originally a Minotaur maze city, Variam Siram was built in a unique location, in the middle of a large magma stream. It withstood several attempted invasions by the Obsidian Empire, aided by its magic-dispelling wards, which disrupt the blood-magic fuelled propulsion of the dwarven adamantine barges. Besides its minotaur population, it has accumulated a sizable kantharos population from passing whalers, and its location at the edge of the Obsidian Empire has also made it a popular safe haven for escaped goblin slaves. More than anything, however, Varian Siram is notable for being the only power to seriously challenge the Obsidian Empire, with raids originating from it testing the walls of various obsidian holds more than once.
The Decaying Remains[]
A massive series of caves and chambers, the entire cave system is covered in ancient decayed bone, sinew and ancient dry flesh to various degrees. The caves seem to twist in a disturbingly organic fashion, the rock almost seemingly shaped by some ancient flesh, long since decayed. One of the largest, central chambers is home to large pools of still active acids. From the marks on the cavern walls, this acid seems to once have covered the entire cavity. Two huge chambers, each mirroring the other, seem to be home to a lush ecosystem of both monstrous fauna, but also plants resembling alveoli. Creatures unique to this specific area also roam the rotting caves and passages, seemingly evolved from whatever ancient parasites were inside the massive entity when it passed. The full extent or shape of the caverns are largely unknown, and its presumed size is just a qualified guess. It is also impossible to determine what this creature might have once been and any attempts to identify it, magical or mundane, have failed. Although the creature is no doubt long dead, some small portions of still living tissue have been discovered upon closer inspection, this tissue seems to die and start to rot at regular intervals. What pieces of bone remain seem to have either “calcified” into an incredibly dense and hard material, or it is just the original composition of this creature's bone. Many things are still unknown and only small portions of the presumed beast have been explored and documented.
Ovdal Fûnh[]
Originally known as Ovdal Jolkin, this hold had to be abandoned when what appeared to be the carcass of a truly vast unknown megafauna floated up to the Serpentdepths from the mantle, which in its decay spread its biomass over a massive area. Although the dwarves initially attempted to fight the rot, Ovdal Fûnh was eventually evacuated , as its food, cattle, and even the very walls started to rot.
Verkal Bâel[]
Verkal Bâel, known as the Burnt Citadel was supposed to become the eighth hold of the Obsidian Empire, a bulwark against incursions from goblin raider clans from the east. However, its location was much farther away from any other Obsidian Empire hold than before, and the long distance meant supply routes to the hold were very vulnerable to raids. As the project dragged on far longer than expected, continuously draining supplies and manpower, it was finally abandoned when a shifting magma stream swallowed part of the hold. Ever since, the unfinished hold has been used as a base of operations for roaming for goblin raider clans. No clan has ever settled down permanently, as Verkal Bâel’s lower levels where the farms were supposed to be were unfinished and partially swallowed by the magma streams, and the hold thus cannot sustain the population it has room for.
Magma Flower Reefs[]
In the deepest and most untouched magma lakes of the Serpentdepths, there are reefs of magma flowers that have grown so vast that their volume can equal the magma around them. These reefs can easily dwarf a hold in size, and as they grow older take on a more solid form. From these reefs, pieces of magma flower will periodically be released, which explains their presence in magma streams throughout the depths.
The largest of these colonies is the Sea of Flowers; a massive underground sea of what appears to be magma, but is in reality nothing but magma flower. Although this sea is usually completely calm, it will produce seemingly random shapes and “constructs” on its surface that harden enough to support weight, only to suddenly collapse into liquid like slime again. No pattern or logic have been found in the patterns, although one researcher claims some of them resemble fractals.
The minotaur maze city of Nekha sits adjacent to the Sea of Flowers, and the flowers are central to its religion. The diviners observe the shapes that the sea takes and interpret their meaning, and based on it they advise the ruling council on matters of governance. Very rarely, the sea will take the shape of a building: a massive, mazelike construction. The people of Nekha believe that if one is able to enter the flower maze and reach the centre, Nekha will receive Siramod’s lost blessing and be transported back to the surface. Still, like all other shapes the sea takes, the flower maze only lasts exactly four days, 15 hours, and 17 seconds, and will then reshape itself into a new form. Any minotaurs that are still inside seeking Siramod’s blessing are swallowed, and never seen again.
The Corridors of Flame[]
While the magma streams of the Corridors of Flame are connected to the planet’s mantle just as the magma seas in the rest of the Serpentdepths, they cannot be reached directly by travel with kaytships, magma barges, or mantle whale ships from the rest of the depths. Because of this, kantharos are rare here, and the Obsidian Empire has had trouble extending their influence over the region. Instead, the main power holders in the region are the Fire-Blooded Minotaurs, who travel these exceptionally violent magma streams in their pursuit of ever greater attunement to the fire within themselves. The goblins of the region are vassals to them in all but name, as the points of access are all under control of Minotaur strongholds, and sailing a kaytship over the Corridors is dangerous business, especially when doing so against the will of the Fire-Blooded. The Obsidian Empire has made attempts to establish a presence, but have time and again been pushed back, their blood runes having finally met a match in the minotaurs’ mastery of the flame.
While the Fire-Blooded are nomads, they have established several strongholds within the Corridors of Flame to act as gathering points, and vaults of resources and knowledge. Rakayun Hatum is the greatest among these, a maze city in its own right even though all of its inhabitants are there temporarily. Even Fire-Blooded from far beyond the Corridors are known to travel to Rakayun Hatum, in order to learn the deepest secrets of pyromancy from the vast libraries of knowledge established there.