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Celmaldor (in elven: Maldorian's Harbour) is an elven-dominated merchant city in the Alenic Reach. It was founded by Maldorian the Navigator.



Maldorian was a navigator-turned-captain of the Migrant Ship Whitespear of the Remnant Fleet. When The Great Storm struck the fleet in 1000 AA, Maldorian and his followers were largely unscathed, as they had been on the fringes of the main fleet scouting for any signs of land. As such, many of the destroyed or broken ships in the fleet found aid with Maldorian's ships. He also supported Munas Moonsinger's desire to sail east and thereby indirectly contributed to the Remnant Fleet's eventual arrival in Cannor.

However, while Munas Moonsinger and his followers would later march to war alongside the League of Free Realms and fight in the War of the Sorcerer-King, Maldorian and his followers refused to participate. Instead, they set sail along the Cannorian coast and would eventually settle in the Alenic Reach in 1002, founding Celmaldor.

Arrival in the Alenic Reach[]

Maldorian's arrival in the Alenic Reach inaugurated a period of rapid expansion. Following its founding, the nascent city-state integrated and subjugated their neighbours through diplomacy and force of arms. In particular, Celmaldor seized the southern Serpentgarder borderlands of Deland and Mawdock and vassalized the Serpentgarder people.

Built with elven expertise, Celmaldor quickly became one of the largest ports in the Northern Thaw, with a harbour (the White Harbour) being constructed to hold the entirety of the Remnant Fleet.
