Anbennar Wiki

Rhaidd, literally ‘Free Blade -’ functioning as a portmanteau of the Elvish words rhas and blaidd for ‘free’ and ‘blade’ respectively, is the term used to describe those who practice and teach Diranbe outside of the confines of the two major recognized schools in Ibevar and the Order of Saint Aldresia.

The term encompasses both small scale independent schools such as the Lorentaine Training Hall and the former training hall on Venail, the regular filter of Aldresian renegades who take refuge with the Magisterium, the last remnants of the Sword Covenant who still adhere to its increasingly divergent take from Aldresian thought and true independent practitioners.

They are often distrusted even as most spend the majority of their time aiding people in need and working as knight-errants and expert advisors for various militaries and fighting forces alongside guard and police forces in larger cities. Most take on a single student who is expected to eventually take on their own student when their master eventually falls.

They are often thought to number just under a thousand across Cannor, with that split roughly in half between the true independent Rhaidd and the groups labelled as Rhaidd out of political expediency.
