Anbennar Wiki

The Rider Assembly was an important advisory and ruling council in the Kingdom of Vareynn.


Seemingly as ancient as the city, mentions of a "Maharc Miontol" are already present in the first historical records about Vareynn, back when it was a lordship under Stantirshalas.

This Rider Assembly in its original form gave cavalrymen nearing retirement age a semblance of political power, as they were allowed to advise the Lord and conduct regencies once they were no longer able to assist their city in battle.

Under the Kingdom of Vareynn[]

With the rise of Vareynn, the Riders' own power grew: the riders would exploit moments of turmoil to seize assets and earn favours, as early as the times of the Hundred Years’ Uprising.

They were eventually granted executive power as well as the ability to veto the King's decisions if a 75% majority decided against them (a threshold which was later lowered to 66%).

By the time of the formation of the Ynnic Empire, the Rider Assembly had evolved into a body of ambitious generals and politicians who at times were a vital aid to the state, at others proved a hindrance to its ruler and a source of turmoil.

Conflict with Joanseln and fall of the Assembly[]

Reverting this growing trend was the last King of Vareynn, Joanseln yen Dolin, who openly mocked and disregarded the Assembly and its members, and saw to it that their role was restricted to a purely advisory one again.

When Joanseln, now proclaimed Emperor, was assassinated in 626, many suspected the Rider Assembly to be behind it, and their actions seemed to be consistent with those suspects, for shortly after news of the Emperor's death arrived, many riders expressed their relief at the death of the so-called "Tyrant-King" and plans were made to turn the Ynn into an oligarchic republic ruled by the Assembly.

However, in an unforeseen twist of fate, Joanseln's only daughter, Zeldja yen Dolin, gathered the Imperial forces and put down any stateman who spoke favorably of Joanseln's assassination.
