The Ruby Crown of Lorent is a magical crown worn by the monarchs of the Kingdom of Lorent. Forged by the dwarves of Rubyhold for Lorent's founder, Lorenan the Great, and later imbued with powerful magics by the elf Ioriel, the crown is made up of a rosemetal base and adorned with over 100 rubies, each one bearing a different magical enchantment. Most famous of these rubies is the Great Rose, a large West Ruby: ringed by five lesser rubies, they collectively resemble a stylised rose.
It is said that Ioriel's enchantments made the Ruby Crown a phylactery for her spirit, binding her soul to the crown in order to guide the future of the country for the rest of time. Some detractors have suggested that the crown allows her to even control the crown's wearer.