- "Of all the (ruinborn) elfrealms in Aelantir, none showcases the sublime beauty and elegance of the Precursor Elves in quite the pristine form that can be found in Sarda's inhabitants."
- ―Adrien síl Terr, Cannorian Explorer
Sarda is a region in North Aelantir bordering Dolindha to the north and the Cliffs of Ruin to the south-east. Its inhabitants are simply called Sarda as well and they are the southernmost culture of Ynnic Ruinborn civilization.
The Ynn River divides Sarda in two as it flows through it north-to-south, until it reaches the Cliffs of Ruin where it forms the waterfall of Venaan's Tears.
To the east and west are the lightly-populated lands of Veykoda and the Epednan Expanse respectively, which were traditionally populated by nomadic or tribal Ruinborn before the arrival of Cannorian settlers starting in the sixteenth century after Ash.
The Sarda region is flat and covered by vast forests and farmlands, the two often coexisting thanks to the Sarda's ability with forest farming.
Due to the flatness of the region, the Sarda Ruinborn have little natural defenses except their forests. While in ancient times the Sarda had developed a tradition of skilled rangers who used these forests to stave off invaders, modern Sarda have grown reliant on the protection offered by knights and castles instead.
Sarda has been traditionally the wealthiest of the Ynnic regions, thanks to its warmer climate and abundance of farmland. Sarda's farms produce both grain for sustenance, and specialty crops such as berries and vegetables.
Another factor is the Ynn River Worship custom of sending funerary barges down the Ynn River. This gave Sarda rulers plenty opportunities to enrich themselves by demanding tolls for the passage of barges arriving from the upstream regions of Dolindha and Rzenta, while not suffering as many tolls themselves due to their region's location near the end of the river. This opportunistic practice has earned the Sarda Ruinborn the name of "Bridge Trolls" by their detractors.
However, the wealth of Sarda Ruinborn also comes from the extensive trading they conduct, both with neighbouring populations and with Cannorian merchants arriving from beneath the Cliffs of Ruin. Trading is another one of the Sarda's ancient traditions: Proto-Sarda sailed for kilometers along the Ynn to conduct trade with whatever settlements they'd find, and mentions of Sarda traders are present in a treaty between the ancient Kingdom of Vareynn and the then-principality of Stanyrhrada. During the times of the Ynnic Empire the Sarda language became the de-facto language of traders a century before the Imperial capital was relocated south in Sarda.
Major Settlements[]
During the Age of Greentide, Ynnic civilization was predominantly rural and Sarda was no exception. The largest urban centers were the former Imperial capital of Arverynn, as well as the settlements of Vels Bacar and Adbrabohvi located by their eponymous Great Ynnic Dams. There were also smaller towns such as Vels Domfan, Vels Amsto and Fadheshana, where various crafts and arts were conducted. However, even contemporary Sarda Ruinborn sources decry that their cities and towns were a far shout from those they had during the heyday of the Ynnic Empire.
The Age of Witch Kings and Age of Artificiers saw a moderate reurbanization of the Ynn. While the city of Vels Bacar had been destroyed during the War of the Bacaran Succession and was never resettled, Arverynn and Adbrabohvi grew considerably in size, receiving immigrants from Veykoda and the Trollsbay respectively as well as from the surrounding countryside.
Major Castles[]
Sarda's most prominent castle is that of Stanyrhrada. Atop its tower is a golden dome said to bless the entire region with good fortune.
Strategically-important castles are Fadhevych and Arvezl, which guard the border with the Veykoda region, Selocshana, which watches Adbrabohvi's southern flank, Adbraseloc, marking the border with the Dolindhans, and Konyrhrada, protecting the Lordship of Vels Fadhecai from the Epednar riders and any frontiermen attack.
Historically-important castles are those of Stenurynn and Trompolere. Both were house to independent lordships during the Age of Greentide.
The city of Arverynn is also structured like a castle, with an interior interspersed with a series of towers, outer walls protecting the city at large, and an inner ring guarding the upper city which is located atop a large artificial hill, inside which the Teal Keep is housed.