Anbennar Wiki

The Satyr is one of the older humanoid races, first being recorded in 1194 BA, although one of the least populous, historically. They have always been confined to the Deepwoods, with regular contact with the outside world, until the ascension of Castan's Empire, where they were killed and pushed back into the Deepwoods. They are a carefree race of Fey.

Historically, they were considered one of the Bestial Races, being created and lead by the trickster god Dolumir. He once outsmarted Falah, trapping her in the Verdant Expanse for 100,000 years. He has died, but unlike the rest of his kin, he was not slain by Falah. His death came of a result of him being tricked and his godhood being stolen by Nathalyne. He died about a hundred years after this, of natural causes.

Satyrs are one of the lesser-known races, still living in the mysterious forests of the Deepwoods, the Domandrod, and Eordand. Their relationship with the Fey seems to be good, but their true status is unknown, due to heavy behavioural differences between explorers and the Fey.
