The Borders is a region east of the Dameshead, and west of Dostanor. The natives of the region were the Milcori people, loosely related to the Businori peoples and once progenitors of the ancient kingdom of Milcorissia. Since the kingdom's fall in the Age of Antiquity the land has been divided amongst many powers such as the Damerian Republic and Castanor.
During the Dragonwake the Wexonard people invaded and settled in the region with the consent of the Damerian Republic, and the region underwent a period of long colonization and civilization. By the time of the War of the Sorcerer-King the Milcori people of the region were once again subjugated by Castanor and much of the region was ravaged by the war. At the end of the war many Milcori were liberated but were subjects of foreign warlords from the rest of Cannor.
By 1444 The Borders region marked the eastern-most part of both Western Cannor and the Empire of Anbennar. The region was divided almost in half by the Anbennarian Arranese of Arranen, Gisden, The Brinkmarches, Tellum, Toarnen, and Celliande in the east, and the Alenic Wexonards of Bisan, Indlebury, Magdalaire, Sugamber and Wex in the west.
All nations in the region were members of the Empire, and followed the Regent Court. The sole exception in this area was the Sugamber province of Gnollgate, which was occupied by Hill Gnolls who worshipped Xhazobkult.