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The Vanbury Guild is a steelworks guild founded by Ricard of Vanbury specializing in mass-production of weaponry and plating. The House of Vanbury directly controls the Vanbury Guild with family members controlling foundries across Cannor and Aelantir.


The House of Vanbury built their first major foundry in Steelhyl as they were granted the province after the War of the Sorcerer-King in order to stabilized the metal trade in the newly decentralized Escann. With Steelhyl and their land in Vanbury, the family soon became known for their metalworking skills across Cannor. After exile from Gawed in 1170 due to the Greatwood Uprising, the family became split between Steelhyl and Lorent, eventually reuniting to found the Vanbury Guild. The Vanbury Guild later expanded in 1363 with Lorent granting them the County of Telgeir, meaning "Foundry" in Elven, to Tristan I of Vanbury after his efforts in the Lilac Wars.

With the Vanbury Guild prospering, the Vanbury family expanded with the establishment of foundries across Cannor in the cities of Anbenncóst and Damescrown in later years. Beyond Cannor, the Vanbury Guild established an Aelantir Chapter in 1517 on the island of Vanburia due to rumors of Precursor artifacts in the region. The steel forged from these artifacts allowed the Vanbury Guild to assemble powerful muskets beyond the quality of their foundries in Cannor.

The Vanbury School of Metallurgy was established in Anbenncóst in 1611 to provide the exchange of techniques and ideas across Cannor to further the influence of the Vanbury Guild over all steelworks industries. By the 1700s, the VG Musket became the standard and had widespread popularity around the world from Aelantir to Haless, which further cemented their hold on global steelworks.

Notable Chapters[]

  • Steelhyl: First major foundry, destroyed during the Greentide in 1424.
  • Telgeir: Established in 1363, it is currently the main hub of the Vanbury Guild.
  • Damescrown: A center of major trade in Cannor, a foundry was established for the ease of exports.
  • Aelantir: Established in 1517 on the island of Vanburia, the chapter is in charge of uncovering the secrets of Precursor weaponry.
  • Anbenncóst: The largest city in the Empire, it proved to be a good location in conjunction with the School of Metallurgy.

Aelantir Chapter Expeditions[]

The Aelantir chapter of the Vanbury Guild was established in 1517, sent from Telgeir with Vincen of Vanbury as its first leader. The primary purpose of the Aelantir Chapter was to discover the secrets of Precursor weaponry in Aelantir due to rumours of Precursor artifacts in the region. The Aelantir Chapter is located on the largest of the islands of Tor Nayyi - Vanburia, in the Torn Sea.

Expeditions to the Kheionai[]

The Vanbury Guild secured a foothold in northern Devand in the mid 1700s as the Kheionai were deterred by the Deathwinds which cut off Alecand from the mainland. The foothold was used for the excavation of artifacts which would assist in their forging of advanced weaponry.

Expeditions to Eordand[]

In the late 1700s, the Vanbury Guild seized the Fograc peninsula from the ruinborn nation of Murdkather to further their searches. The mythical ruin of Cadcimn is located in these lands which proved to be advantageous in their research of Precursor steel. Murdkather was pushed further north to the shore of the Sarmadfar due to the bitter warfare they experienced with the Vanbury Guild.

In 1783, taking advantage of Eordand’s internal conflicts, the Vanbury Guild began their blockade and raiding of its shores. This however proved to be a mistake as the prototype fleet which they sent with adjustable angle and direction cannons was destroyed once Einnsag’s druids summoned a sea brine storm which corroded their weaponry and left them at the mercy of their more primitive fleet.


The Vanbury Guild sustained friendly relationships with the Triarchy as well as their contacts of the Vanbury Guild in Telgeir.
