Venac the Arrogant (mockingly called the Sycophant of Vertesk) was one of the Sorcerer-King's acolytes. Venac served as Highlord of the Vertesk Dominion during the War of the Sorcerer-King, and is infamous for killing Munas Moonsinger during the Battle of Damesteeth. He shortly met his end during the Storming of Vertesk, slain by Maugun the Unicorn Knight, following the battle.
Venac's descendants would be known as the House of Blacktower, named after the citadel of Bal Vertesk that he had ruled from. He was succeeded by one son, Carleon the Inadequate, who was named that for his lack of magical ability.
By 1444 the House of Blacktower had been relegated to minor nobility, until its last descendant Carleon Blacktower, became a hero of the Greentide and leader of the Count's League, who were one of the last holdouts of the Kingdom of Castellyr.