The Veykoda Overlands is the south-eastern most region of the Ynn River Valley in Aelantir, named after the original inhabitants, the Veykodan Ruinborn Elves, the name means "land of the speakers". The land was first known to be inhabited by the many Veykodan tribes before the many Cannorian settlers had arrived to establish their own realms.
The Cliffs of Ruin mark the southern borderlands of Veykoda, while the Dalairey Wastes mark the eastern borderlands with it's impassable mountains.
It borders the regions of Sarda and Dolindha on the west and the Forest of the Cursed Ones to the north. The region also features the Arbeloch Ascensor which leads down the Cliffs of Ruin, into the region of the Trollsbay.
Veykoda is the home of many Veykodan tribes with a history of invading Sarda lands and eventual cooperation with the Lordship of Arverynn. The lands were colonized by Cannorian settlers in the 1500s where the states of New Havoral, Balgabar, West Tipney and Corinsfield were established.
The region has a mixture of steelwork and fur trade which flows both into the Ynn river proper and past the Arbeloch Ascensor into Noruin.